デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Who are you?
- I'm just a supa dupa ordinary Indonesian girl (who will turn into a woman) who like to make a friend with anyone ^^

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Why are you blogging?
Honestly, the first time i wrote my blog, it's just because i couldn't make a comment into my lecture's blog about my assignment. After that, i never took care of it until one day i saw my friend's blog. There, she reviewed some products, shared about her thought and many things. She introduced me to blogging world and i'm a kind like "hooaaaahhh..!! there are so many people do blogging" i felt like i'm the silliest and the geek one who don't know that bloggers are exist in this world -_______________-
From that moment, i got a passion to write. Since i like to make a review on my contact lens, so i decided to make this blog as my media to review some of my contact lens' collections (previously, i just made a review on my Facebook). Moreover, i need a place to gather all of my pictures. But day by day, i'm gettin bored and i think my reader will get bored as well if i just discuss about ONE thing, so i start to blogging about everything to color my blog. I wanna share everything, hope you can enjoy and find what you're lookin for in this blog 

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number How can i contact you?
image email : dreamie_chuppa@yahoo.com
 Facebook : Dreamie Chuppa (www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa)
 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Where do you get your contact lens?
- FYI, i have an online shop based in Indonesia, most of contact lens i reviewed here are from my online shop, you can check out the products in my  : Dreamie Chuppa (http://www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa)

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Do you get it free?
- NO, absolutely NOT,, i purchase all of them with my own money. Having an online shop doesn't mean that i can pick any contact lens for free,, i still have to buy them :)

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Do you get other products for free?
- NO, i purchase all of them (again) with my own money, furthermore, i'll stated that IT'S SPONSORED BY...... if i got the products for free

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Can i ask you for reviewing one of your contact lens..??
- Sure, just contact me on my email (dreamie_chuppa@yahoo.com)

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number If i have product(s), do you want to review it?
- Sure.. But you need to know that i will write my very honest opinion based on my thought, if you okay with that, contact me :) for reviewing a beauty stuff, i need longer time to post my review

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number What products do you expect?
- Anything, it could be cosmetics, bag, clothes, shoes, or whatever,, but better you consult it with me first :)
i accept any sample size, travel size or share (for cosmetics) [more than three for each please], but i dont accept PRELOVED stuff, please understand :)

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Does your online shop do sponsorship?
- YES, i have some sponsors

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Can you be my sponsorship?
- There are some requirements for that, better you contact me image

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Do you have CODE that i can mention if i want make a purchase in your online shop?
- YES, if you wanna get a CODE to mention, just see my sponsorship

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Can i get a CODE from you for my reader?
- YES, please contact me image for the detail procedure :)

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Do you speak English?
- For daily, NO, i speak BAHASA INDONESIA, but i'm studying English since i was in the elementary school and i love it. Moreover, my readers' are not only from Indonesia but also from outside, so i want all of my readers know what i write. Besides that, i dont wanna lose what i've learned for so long..
Please excuse my bad vocab, feel free to correct me :)

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number Are you a beauty blogger..??
- NO,, i still learning about beauty, make up and others,, so i don't dare to say that i'm a beauty blogger

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) number If i invite you to attend an event, would you come?
- I can't make a promise, i still have my schedule, but if you want to invite me, please contact me far before the date so that i can arrange my schedule

デコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numberデコメ of emoticons - (\ * /) numbercan i give you any critics?
- if it's a positive critics which can make my post even better, i don't mind


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