Princess Miu-Miu Specification
Manufacture : Princess
Origin : Korea
Diameter : 14.8 mm
Water Content : 52 %
Thickness : 0.20 mm
Disposable : 1 year

 This is my lens

Besides i like 3tones lens, i also like the SOCCER CASE
u'll get a free cute soccer case when u buy this lens
here is the picture of the soccer case

here is the picture when i usePrincess Miu2 Grey

LENS : juz like GEO, thicker than BARBIE EYE, thinner than DUEBA

COLOUR (8/10) : it has a very nice colour. almost the grey colour i've been looking for. What i like about 3tones, it can give u a perfectly natural look in natural light. for MIU2, in low light room, the grey colour is still noticable, in outdoor, it's brighter than u think but i can say it still natural look. luv it ^♥^

ENLARGAMENT (9/10) : 14,8mm gimme a perfect dolly look for asian eyes ^o^ since my eyes a lil bit small. very nice looking

COMFORT (5/10) : i used to use DUEBA (crystal.i) which has 38% for its' water content. When i use this lens, it feels so dry in my eyes, even i hv to drop numbers of solution on it (i juz open the package, usually the first time using is still comfortalbe,,but it isnt). I can wear DUEBA for more than 11 hours, but i juz can stand to wear MIU2 for 8 hours only, it feels so dry in my eyes (ToT). it also make my eyes become red (look carefully in 'NOT USING LENS' u'll notice there's a red circle around my black eyes). i drop solution more often than i use DUEBA. After took off the lens, my eyes still feel the dryness ToT
(maybe for those who usually use high water content around 48-55%, it will not cause a problem as mine, but i dont know)

OVERALL (8,5/10) : though it has a very nice colour n design, im rather disappointed with its' comfort. i have to drop solution more often n it feels so dry in my eyes. it also turn my eyes into red TToTT
but i really luv the enlargement. it really gimme the perfect dolly look ^o^
so,,if u used to use GEO, i think it will be okay to use this lens,,,but if u have a sensitive eye like mine,,i think you should think twice
the choice is in ur hand ^o^


Dreamie Chuppa~


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