• LENS : a lil bit thicker than BARBIE i can said this lens is pretty thin

• DESIGN (9/10) : really luv the design..not ALIEN LOOK...hawhhahwaw..but lens ini aneeeeeehh..RING hitam na ngga rata...disatu sisi bisa tebeeell..disisi yg laen hampir ngga ada ring na >_<"
lucuu sih...awkwkkawwk

• COLOUR (9/10) : this is my first violet lens..look so bright in my hand,,,but after wear it juz like the other lens,,kalo diruangan yg agak gelap dikit dia jadi black lens (awkwakawkawkkaw...) mungkin karena ada serat hitam among the violet colour
buuuuuuttt...the great thing..kalo dipake ngga noraaakk...luv it dah!suitable for daily use thing..waktu aku coba buat catch the violet colour in outdoor,,dikamera nampak kek biru...wawakwakkawkaw XDD lens yg aneeehh

• ENLARGEMENT (10/10) : Though it's written 14,5mm on its vial,,the real size is 16mm >u<
16mm for real size...gimme a very perfectly dolly look (but i think it gimme more than 16mm,,bcuz it so damn hugeeeee on my eyes)...but i really luv it...though (in my opinion) it sometimes looks a lil bit weird bcz i have a small eye..juz like alien if u have small eye then u wear a big lens...hhiiiiyyyy...>_<"
but my frens say PRETTY, NOT LIKE ALIEN, ETC >_<"

• COMFORT (8/10) : i use to use lens with water 38%, so when i use this lens i need a lil bit adjusment..hawhahwhwa..i think because it has been in the bottle for 1year,,so i need to do a special when use it for the first time, it's so dry(mungkin cz solutionnya jg sih)
finally i decided to change the SOLUTION n SOAK it in warm water...RESULT?
it has a better comfort ^^ though it is dry faster than my 38% lens but really luv it ^^
yg aneh,,tiap kali dipake (pas pertama nempel mata) rasanya kek periihh2 gimanaaaaa gitu..but it juz for a second...after that..very comfy ^,^

• OVERALL (9,5/10) : really luv the design, colour n especially for it's enlargement. It's also comfort in my sensitive eye

Dreamie Chuppa


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