Coco Eye Lavender Green 18,8mm

Hikkkzz.. it's been more than a month without my laptop デコメ of cute emoticons
i feel my world is a half missing 
actually i've already prepared this post,, but my lappie was broken down before i posted this 

There is a new brand again in my supply,, it's written 18,8 mm while the model wearing it seems it's just only 15 mm or 16 mm lah~  Comes with my curiosity, i grabbed this lens in green (actually i wanna grab the blue one, but when i grabbed this, the blue one's been not stocked yet in my place, so i ended up with the green one)

here is the picture of the model wearing it

the green not so visible rite..  i had a bad feeling on this 

So last month (on Friday i remembered), the package arrived safely in my office and i was supaaaaa supaaaaaaa excited to opened it デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy and i found a very cool packaging of this coco eye lavender

デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy

tribal design + graffiti font + beautiful color = COOL

back box

Thickness only 0.01 mm Deco-mail pictograms of various

even the contact lens seal has a very cool design 

Specification :

Coco Eye Lavender 3 Tones

Water Content : 48%

Diameter : 18,8mm

Minus : 0 - 800

look so big in it's plastic package


Design : 9/10
i really love the design  Generally, 3 tones lens have either orange or yellow sparkle near the very inner line, but this coco eye have neither orange nor yellow sparkle,, yet it's brown and it's blend together with the green and black, create a fussiness design which is ultraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa beautiful 
Furthermore, the limbal or outer ring is not perfectly round, so unique la~ 

Will it be beautiful in my eyes..?? we'll know later hohohohooo 

and,, again,, the company manipulated the diameter written in the box,, it's just the same as my pandora, only 15mm bbzzzzzzz 
But i don't know why, it seems sooooooooo big in my eyes.. Guess it because of the limbal ring hoohohoho

i can see a pretty visible enlargement between my left and right eye

COLOR : 6/10
to be very supa dupa honest, i really fall in love with the green image
it's soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful green,, but whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it has to be not so visible in my eyes......................... WHYYYYYYYYY....

COMFORT : 9/10
i notice some of big diameter contact lens have thinner thickness, for example aimu medusa and pandora
and again, i found a very comfy contact lens in this brand.. i can barely feel the lens inside my eyes 

it's so beautiful when you get closer to this contact lens

i wanna make a try on the blue one, it's already supplied in my place
so wait for the next review yaaaa 

Thank's for passing by 


Depth ~ Dreamie


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