Dueba Pearl Prime - Furfur Gold

feels that i lost most of my day time since i was inside the building 8 am - 5 pm imagewell actually i lost the sun light to capture some photos of my products to be reviewed 

btw, i just realize that lately i open Dueba lens in brown in a row huahahahahahaha  (and i guess i still have one more #duh image)
before this, i already open my Dueba Puffy Brown (Review) and Dueba Super Celeb Nudy Brown (Review)
but, hopefully this time is a bit different as i open a GOLD (i prefer to say pastel yellow) contact lens

let's start the review~

Dueba Pearl Prime - Furfur Gold

Brand : Dueba
Origin : Korea
Series : Furfur (pearl prime)
Color : Gold

Diameter : 14,5 mm
Water Content : 38%
Life Span : 12 months
Color Available : silver (grey), chocolate, gold (brown), green, blue, violet
Prescription (Minus) : 0 - 1000


1. DESIGN : 8/10

this furfur is a 2 tones contact lens with a brown-yellowish as the main color and a medium bold black outer ring thickness. But, not as any other 2 tones, this furfur has a unique pattern, it looks like a leopard pattern, but not in mostly #HUH (ah ,,,,just forget what i'm saying )

this kind of design will gimme a natural look and bigger eye


i thought a 14,5 mm contact lens with a medium bold outer ring will gimme a  medium visible enlargement..
but HEEEEYYYYYY.... i was amazed seeing the different.. it's sooooo muuucchh bigger  than i thought, as when i tried my i.fairy casper Green (Review)
my eyes seems sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo big 

i thought it's because the medium bold outer ring, but then i found out why it can be like that

lemme tell you

the pattern (especially the bold outer ring) was printed until (almost reaching) the outer edge of the contact lens ćƒ‡ć‚³ćƒ” of emoticons (* / ā–” \ *) cute girl and boy

so your eyes will appear bigger and rounder  due to the black ring design.. and it will appear more bigger due to the printing which almost reach the outer edge..
love having a bigger eyeball http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m2zu2shdjq1qid2nw_zps409441aa.gif?t=1368979394 i think u'll gonna love this contact lens 

3. COLOR : 6/10

Furfur gold is the most opaque color among all (i thought), but seems like i just wear a shiny black contact lens  The color does not appear at all  i have no idea why it can be like that, maybe it's because as an Asian, i have a black eye ball which causing my furfur seems just as a shiny black lens

you can see clearly the pattern if you look at my eye closer, maybe around 10 cm face-to-face
yet, you will not put your face 10 cm in front of my face while talking just because you want to see the pattern clearly, rite~ #slap 

i really expect more opaque color from this Furfur, i guess it gonna be so cute to have this lens in vibrant color or at least someone will notice that i use a gold contact lens 

yet, it's okay la,, i still love to have a shiny bigger eye 

my face looks sooooooooooo innocent and younger bahahahahahahahhaa #slap 
YYEESSHH.. bigger eyeball can manipulate my age wakakakakak  #slap 

4. COMFORT : 9,5/10


been years using DUEBA contact lens and i never found any problem at all image
it's the most comfortable contact lens among the comfy ones.. ahahhaha~
and as usual, i can use DUEBA without eye drop for about 6-7 hours in outdoor and 4-5 hours in AC room without having any redness, dryness, itchy or even stingy feeling

image Maybelline Fit Me Concealer #Sand Sable image
image Maybelline Fit Me Concealer #Medium image
image Lioele Skinfix Twincake #23 - Natural image
image Senegence Eyesense #Black image
image Dueba Pearl Prime - Furfur Gold image
image Lipsense :  2x Party Pink - Rose Gloss image

btw,, i love my lippie color from my new lipsense, PARTY PINK

for those who love having a big and dolly eyes, this Furfur provide you a great enlargement

Repurchase http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m2zu2shdjq1qid2nw_zps409441aa.gif?t=1368979394
i doubt i will repurchase this contact lens due to the color, but love the enlargement and the comfort
i should think over and over again to repurchase another color (i guess)

Wanna have it toohttp://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m2zu2shdjq1qid2nw_zps409441aa.gif?t=1368979394
contact me i can ship world wide 

It may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result

Depth ~ Dreamie
 : www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa
 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie
Line : @depth_dreamie
Path : Depth Dreamie


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