My Lipsense Collection

Hello.. do you already have the latest color from lipsense?
it's Kathy's KISSES. Color is really lovely and pretty.. such the color of a watermelon
Are you sure wanna miss this color? hhahahhahaa

and here they are.. My lipsense collection in 18-04-2015

many people ask me why i choose lipsense rather than other lippie product

lemme ask you some questions
Can your lipstick stay all day?
Can your lipstick take care about your lip?
Can your lipstick make your lippie more healthy?
Can your lipstick bring back your natural lippie color?

if your lipstick CANT do that, lipsense CAN

This is the only lipstick that i found last for all day, yet you must use it with the lipgloss. The gloss seals the 3 layers of lipsense onto your lips.

i remember my first time using this product, i felt something stings my lips so bad.. uurrgghhh it felt like hell. but, after a couple of weeks of using it, my lips become better and better and better and better. more moisturized and soft. and i dont feel any stings anymore. as i googling about Lipsense, it's not just beautify my lippie, but it also take care of it. where can i find a lippie product which also take care of my lippie?  Other lipsticks actually block moisture into your lips, since it is like applying a waxy layer to the top of your lips. but Lipsense is different.

it's a great product. Try it, you'll gonna love it (like i do)

Depth ~ Dreamie
 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthbydreamie ; @dreamiechu
 Line : @depth_dreamie
Path : Depth Dreamie


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