Trip to Dubai : Day 1

Heeeyyy hoooooo, so sorry for not posting anything for a couple of weeks. i was busy preparing my trip to Dubai.. and hell yeaaaaaaaaa i'm so super excited about that. i've never been in that place but already seeing some information from TV and social media which is soooooooooooooooooooooo super amazing. so when i applied to join the tour to Dubai and finally got the date to go there, i felt soooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy..

This time i wanna share a bit my experience (and maybe a bit information) that i got when i've been there

hell yaaaaaaaaaa...!!! my heart beat was supeeeerrrr fast when i received my ticket ahahhaha
My trip was on 10 - 14 October 2015. Fly from Jakarta directly to Dubai

 inside the Emirates' plane. say hello to the steward and stewardess hoohohhoo
 It took for about 7 hours flight from Jakarta to Dubai, so please allow me to sleep ya

aaaaaaaaaaaaa.....!!! i was sooooooo super excited when i stepped my feet in the biggest airport in the world. Yeaaaaaaapp.. Dubai has the biggest and greatest airport in the world. Everything was inside the airport. You can find anything that you need there

 in the daytime, this airport is almost empty since the Dubai airport also uses for transiting for those who wanna go to Europe. the picture above shows how empty the airport in daytime.. ahahhaha

First, i walked down to the immigration and also wanna took my luggage. See.. how big is the airport
i need to go down 2 floors to reach the immigration. The picture above is still 1 floor below my arrival floor

so empty and sooooooooooooooooo big area.....

YAAAAAAYYYY..!! finally after walking for about 30 minutes, i arrived in the immigration
NO CAMERA, NO PHONE, NO SUNGLASSES in the immigration. so i cant take any photos ya

after immigration hohohohohohohohohoho.. GEEEEEEZZZZ...!!!! the airport was so luxurious and big. i feel like i'm in the mall instead of in the airport wakakkakakakkaa

nah take a photo first ya..

 with my dad

now, waiting for my luggage and searching for my local tour guide..


surpriseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!!! i got a red rose... aahh how sweet.. (please ignore my sleepy face, i cant sleep well in the plane. i guess i just sleep for 3 hours)

 the local tour guide gimme (and my dad) a bottle of mineral water

now, let's start the journey.
The temperature when i got there is about 37-38 degree. in my country, the highest temperature is 33 degree, so i feel it's so damn hot.

these are some pictures of a lil park in the middle of Dubai

I was taking a picture of many buildings there since it's so unique and sophisticated. Moreover, the building is soooooooooooooooooooooooo high. Dubai is popular by it's skyscraper buildings

almost all the buildings in Dubai is skyscraper buildings which always me so amazed

then, these are some pictures of the highway

the traffic was not so crowded on Friday and Saturday since it is their weekend time. While for other countries "SATURDAY and SUNDAY" are their "WEEKEND", in Dubai, weekend is Friday and Saturday

the city is soooooooooooooooo super clean. You will not see any garbage, any beggar, or even any human across the road.. it's strictly prohibited by the Government there

the tunnel

naaahhh,, i can take a photo of some crowded traffic.. Not so crowded as Jakarta since Dubai has a very wide road and there are sooooooooooooooooooo many cars here. From low price till high one such as a Ferrari, Lamborghini, R. Royce, Audi, etc since in Dubai the cars are free from tax so everyone can have more than 1 car in their house

btw, it's already afternoon here (which is almost evening in Indonesia) so we stopped for having a lunch in RIVIERA HOTEL

the place are so cozy. i have a great lunch in my first day

after having a lunch, we continue our trip to the hotel for checking in process
i spent my nights in NOVOTEL AL BARSHA

this is my room (and my dad)...

i can take a photo of the highway from my room ahahhahahaa

the lobby

the super gorgeous and luxurious crystal lamp above me

behind me is the receptionist. Btw i'm ready for the dinner

the place that i have my dinner is CHINESE RESTAURANT

and this is the end of my 1st day in Dubai. after having dinner, then i go back to the hotel and ready to take some rest for a super long journey tomorrow
it's 9 pm here ( 12 pm in Indonesia) i'm super sleepy and a bit exhausted..

So good nite, fellas~

Depth ~ Dreamie
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthbydreamie ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
Path : Depth Dreamie


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