Defeat my own weakness(es)

Most of my friends dont believe me that i'm quiet (errr...but im not necessarily quiet tbh). They know me as a talkative an energetic person because i have a loud voice.. Lol..
well, the fact is i'm an introvert and yesh i prefer to be alone. i can be in my room with all of my gadget around me as long as possible
I'm not good at public speaking and can't have a long chit-chat with anyone since i'm not good at finding a topic to talk to. Actually, I wanna have so many friends, know new people but i'm too scared to talk to people. For me, talking to people is draining both physically and mentally. That's why i prefer texting instead of talking.
yet, i love to explore and try new things, travel and visit new places, etc (still i prefer to keep the experience to myself without interacting other people)
Those things make me force myself to get out from my "introvert" area, to have an interaction with "outside world"
i start to learn how to enjoy speaking with other people and do so many new things outside, trying to meet a new people and make friends with them
My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than i used to be
My goal is defeat my own weaknesses and i will try so hard to defeat my weaknesses..
i hope i can be better in 2017
please allow me to apologize for everything i've done wrong in 2016 and let's walk into 2017 with a lot of prayers to be a better person day by day, have more ideas, wisdom, success and love
Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow
Happy new year 2017
may all your dreams turn into reality and your efforts into great achievements

Depth ~ Dreamie
image :
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthalcyon ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
Line@ : @HXN9500o


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