Dreamie's Trip to Italy : Day 2

Continue a bit from my day 1 trip ya (you can read the previous post --- HERE)

taking picture outside the restaurant
 it's from my last nite.. yessshhh.. NITE.. it's been 21,00 and yesh it's still bright outside (well actually it's been 3.00 AM in Indonesia) so ... yes.. im sleepy AF rite now *yawn* but before that, lemme show you my room

TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... as i did my trip with my parents, so my room is a room of 3 people and here's my room.. Quite big and cozy.. hoohhohoo

it's time for me to sleep, gather my energy for tomorrow.. NITE ALL...!!!

7 May 2016

Morniiinnggg ^^ today will go to Venice island to have some fun, but before that since there's a huge mirror in my room and i really love my outfit today.. lemme take some mirror selfies

before starting my activities today, i'll have some breakfast.. come .. come..

you can choose any drinks you want, juice, coffee, tea

various jams.. Cherry, strawberry, honey, apricot... yuuuuummmmmmmmm



please allow me having my breakfast ya before i continue my trip to Venice island

after having a breakfast (and put some bread into my bag as my snack in the middle of my journey HUEHEUHEUEHEUHE) now i'm ready to go to Venice island, really excited to be there

otw to the harbour

i'm already in the harbour and waiting my boat to take me to the Venice island..
The temperature is not too hot btw with a lil wind.. so yea, i think it will be a good day

on my boat otw to Venice island

TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... i step my feet in Venice island.. AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAAW... im so exciting to see what in this place and also so exciting that i will ride a Gondola

from this place i have to walk a bit (the road behind me) then take the right turn and we are in the ...

well, actually i wanna explore the other side, but my tour didnt allow me so yeaaaaa.. i end up with only explore the half part only

I'm ready for the Gondolaaaaaaaaa.. HAWHAHWAHWHHAW.. follow me..

go to the left (behind me)

i found a very cute cafe (maybe)..

stop here for a while..... taking some selfies.. whehwhehhwhe

let's walk again..

turn right

the building in my left..
the building in my right, then turn left.... and i'm inthe PIAZZA SAN MARCO WITH THE BASILICA

Image result for piazza san marco venice Image result for piazza san marco venice
(picture taken from Google)

playing with the pigeons hahahahahaa

now, i'll walk to the very right corner of this place, turn right into an alley and i'll arrived in Gondola place.. Hohohooo. Unfortunately, i forgot to take some photos of it. But i found something interesting in the alley

a store that sell soooooooooooooooooo many Venetian Mask. Venetian masks are a centuries-old tradition of Venice, Italy. The masks are typically worn during the Carnival (Carnival of Venice), but have been used on many other occasions in the past, usually as a device for hiding the wearer's identity and social status
(source :  themascherade.com/contents/en-us/d5_Page_5.html)

OMG...!!! i really want to buy them all.. HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....!!!

and i also found some souvenir shops that sell items made from MURANO GLASS right in the opposite of the mask shop


AAHHH,, my turn has come.. i'll ride the GONDOLA.. AHWHAWHAHWHHAW.. so excited..!!

Yeaaaapppp.. The Gondola is behind me. To be in the Gondola, you have to stand in line and pay to ride a Gondola. FYI, A gondola can bring 5 passengers and 1 Gondola driver.. U have to sit in your place, cant move here and there since it will be dangerous for the passengers. It will be unsteady and unstable, and you can fall in to the water..
(additional information, there's a HARD ROCK CAFE in my left)

He stands in the back, and keep the gondola steady (that's why we cant make too many movement) and when the gondola have to through a low bridge as in the picture below, he will bow but still keep paddling..
it's not easy to be a Gondola driver, you need to have a special license and various tests. so, give applause to this man.. ahhaahhahaa

it took for about 30 minutes on the Gondola, but i didnt take so many pictures

YAAAAAAYYY.. this is my first time riding a gondola and it's totally fun..!!

it's already pass 2 pm after ride a Gondola, and it's time for having lunch.. hohohohoo
We have to walk to the alley behind me

so... how this look the alley in Venice. So clean and comfortable for us as a tourist, not too many people and no trash. It feels so nice walking in the place like this..

dont forget to take a selfie.. ahahahahahaa.. i love my outfit today.. ahahahahhaa

 nah, we're in the restaurant.. i forget the name. The place has low ceiling (it's such we are in the ship dining room ahahahahha), long table, and vintage decorations. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee this place.. ahahhhaa..

we have so many plain breads, but it tastes sooooooooo good.. Then the salad came.. and it's taste sooooo yummy.. plain, but it's tasty.. i dont know how to describe it.. hahahahahaa..

then they serve the fried onion and fish, also the spaghetti

well, i really love the spaghetti. i dunno what the topping, but it feels savory... like... ummm.. minced garlic
no bolognese or carbonara or other sauce.. They have it just like that.. yummmmyyyyy..!!! i love thiiiissssss

and finally, they serve the soft vanilla ice cream... so tassstttyyyyyyy...

this is the end of my Trip to Italy day 2.. After this, we are given some time to shopping in souvenir shops and will be going back to the harbor then have my another trip to Luca to have some rest since tomorrow i'll go to Pisa.. AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAAAA... i'm sooooo exciteeeedddd

in the middle of our way to the hotel, we took a rest a bit in a rest area. The tour guide said that here we can get a pizza margarita, but unfortunately, the pizza was already sold out when we came

it's 6.50 pm here, means 12.50 am in my country, so yes,, i was so damn sleepy. i just took a few picture in the way to the hotel before i went to fall a sleep in the bus

HOOOOAAAAAMMMMM ... see you in my next post
Thankyou for reading

Depth ~ Dreamie
image : www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthalcyon ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
Line@ : @HXN9500o


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