my first lens review (other reviews in my Facebook ^,^ Dreamie Chuppa)

brand : dueba
diameter : 14,5mm
water content : 38%

this is the lens

luv the colour very much
it gives u a very mysterious looking eye..hahahahahaa~
this is the picture when i use it

design n colour : 9/10 though it has a very luvable colour, but when i use it, the color is disappear in my eyes,, in indoor area with a bright light, the color shows up (i think that's why it's named gothic lens). it blends perfectly in my eye n looks soooooooooo natural. i like the lens which a bit transparent when it is used.

comfort 5/10 : it's pocking my eye every time i blink :( after i checked, the lens ripped which made it supa dupa unconfortable to use
but after using for several times, i start to know how to use it without cause some irritation hehee
the low water content make it comfortable to wear for about 8 hours without solution drop

enlargement 8/10 : 14,5mm is bigger than my eye. though it's not so big, but still okay, make my eyes a lil bit bigger ^^ n when it is in the dark room / low light, it'z juz like a black lens
it gives me a dolly look

overall 8/10 : really luv the design, the colour n enlargement but rather disappointed about the comfort
well,, actually not the comfort,, it's more because i got the damaged lens

-depth dreamie-


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