Lens from Lens

this is my first post on my Blog (berhubung baru tertarik+tanya sono sini cara buatnya)

i got my SLR officially on my 23th bday ^,^ (thanks a bunch for my dad, muach..luph u dad ^,^)
segeralah pikiran iseng muncul
inspired from the picture i got a few weeks ago from the google, i decided to use the concept
take my phone n............jepreeettt,,,jepreeeettt,,,jepreeeeettt,,
belasan hingga puluhan photoshot i did. Trying to get a picture i want
n the final result
berhubung belom jadi photographer, ga punya studio, ga punya light equipments, ga punya peralatan yg canggih2, tapi keinginan pengen dapet photo yg oke punya, kayanya susaaaaaaaaaaaahhh deeeehh

honestly, direct flash-nya agak mengacaukan, but it's still okay laaa
suka light flare-nya



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