colour available : grey, blue, burgundy, green, violet, brown
Diameter : 17,8 mm
Water Content : 48%
Minus : 0 - 800

Look at the design,,nice isnt it? XDD

i measured it to make sure that it's diameter is 17,8mm
well,, i put the transparent part in 0 and the other transparent part ended in 17,5 mm
but,, the color part, started from the limbal ring in 1mm and the other part ended in  17 mm

let's see the lens a lil bit closer...akakakakkaak~


it has a very nice colour right?
for the diameter, it's written 17,8mm..
i think it's exactly 17,8mm ^^

•○• REVIEW •○•

• LENS : a lil bit thicker than BARBIE EYE, thinner than my i can said this lens is pretty thin

• DESIGN (9/10) : really luv the design..not ALIEN LOOK though it has a huge diameter...hawhhahwaw..such a mermaid's eyes

• COLOUR (9/10) : jeeeeeeennngggg,,jeeeeeeeennnngggggg....
this is my first 4colour lens..look so bright in my hand..nice colour,,,but after wear it........the colour disappear T.T in indoor with a low light, it will be a black lens /(T.T)\
buuuuuuttt...the great thing..even the color seemed so creepy, but when it's used it's not so creepy..aaahahaha...luv it!suitable for daily use thing..when i tried to catch the colour in outdoor,,it was soooooooooooooooo difficult,, super duper difficult...because the blue n violet blend so perfectly with the black color of my eyes,,so it just seemed as a shiny combination between blue and violet~

• ENLARGEMENT (8.5/10) : 17,8mm for real size..what do you think..??it gimme more than dolly look (almost alien look)...though (in my opinion) it sometimes looks a lil bit weird bcz i have a small eye..juz like alien if u have small eye then u wear a big lens...hhiiiiyyyy...>_<"

• COMFORT (7/10) : well,,actually it's comfort in my eye, not make any dryness or red in my eyes though i use it for a couple of hours, but i think because of the diameter is so huge, i felt like something scotched in m eyes
not comfortableeeee >_<

• OVERALL (8/10) : really luv the design, colour. It's also comfort in my sensitive eye (in the first 4 hours)

  let's look a bit closer ^^
when u use the lens (esp. in black eyes like mine), the bright colour will go darker
a lil bit disappointed with the result actually..ahahaha,,but it's okay lah~

(click on the image for bigger image)

Dreamie Chuppa


  1. hallooohh :D:D

    help me please

    menurut kamu lens yg pas dimata bikin mata paling besar itu apa ya?

    lens trakhir yg aku punya itu fairy of water ~

    aku mikir mau pandora soalnya kan katanya 20 mm ya tp pas liat review kamu eee ternyata~~~

    huhu ketolong deh haha makasi yaa :D

    1. hola ^^
      kl yg gede dimata sih masing2 mata orang kan beda2,, mataku agak kecil jadi 16mm ato 17mm yg tanpa ring udah cukup bikin gede :D
      tp kalo km cari yg gede mungkin bisa coco eye enlargement effectnya dia gede bgt,, ahahhaha ato yg 17,8mm ky fairy of water jg lumayan gedeee...
      bisa juga berdasar motifnya,, soalnya motif jg ngaruh ke enlargement effect,, semakin tebel ringnya akan memberi kesan semakin gede waktu dipake
      contoh yg enlargement-nya gede : geo sakura, dueba sugar candy, i.fairy sakura
      ato,, pilih aja yg warnanya jgn terlalu mentereng :D
      semoga membantu :D

      Btw,, thank's for passing by ^^)/


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