Hi thereee...!! i just came back from my vacation..
Last week i came into my cousin's wedding party in Kalimantan,,so i had to cross the island first to reach there..wakwkakkwaw..

Holriteeeee.....!!so today i wanna make a review about my new lens :D

what come across my mind when i hear the "crystal nudy" ?...hmmmmmm...maybe it's a combination between CRYSTAL design and NUDY design
you know,,NUDY is a design with thousands sparkle dot which can make your eyes blinky, shiny and cuteeee...most of the contact lens' brand have NUDY design because it just simple but very pretty when you wear it :D
while crystal design,,hmmm...will it be like a dueba crystal..?? or what..??

so i was a bit shocked when looked at the was absolutely different from my thought...

its' design just like dueba sugar candy or super barbie sweet with a thick black outer ring and a thin color for its' inside part..but there are some black line and dots in it

usually,,i dont like a lens with a thick outer ring..seems like a fake in my eyes..
Buuuuttttt...the design such as dueba sugar candy or super barbie sweet is best seller (other design,,such as EOS candy or i.fairy sakura pink...but i.fairy sakura pink only has a pink colour)
so i think,,if others can be more cute wearing those kind of lens,,i guess me either *excuse mee...!!*

skip my opinion -__-"

Brand : Super Barbie
Type : Crystal Nudy
Color : Grey
Diameter : 16mm
Water Content : 55%
Disposable : 1 year

this is the picture of the vial

if u a pinky lover,,u'll find this label very cute
pink basic color designed with black lace ♥
super barbie have some designs for its' label
so maybe my label is as in the photo,,but it can be yours is different though you order same type :D

why i choose this? Ummm....i wanna try something new..since i didnt have lens with a thick outer ring before
I saw my friends use this design,,and it suited in their eyes,,it could change their i think..maybe it will suit in me either
so...why not..??aahahaa../XD it's time for the lens to show up..awwkwkwakawk

thickness is still the same like the other super barbie lens

this is the lens in my palm hand

DESIGN : 9/10
as i say,,the design just like dueba sugar candy or super barbie sweet or EOS candy (i guess EOS is more well known more than the other) /XD
and,,the thick black outer ring,,of course it's useful for enlargement effect..make your eyes bigger than the lens actual size....and happens to me kwokawokawokwoako :)) :))
at the first look,,i started to feel weird to look into my eyes because i never use a black outer ring as thick as this lens..just like a barbie dolly eye /XD but by the minutes passing by,,,i started to feel cute bwaaakakakakkkaaaka *desk thrown* /XD
because i have a black eyes (as Asian), the black lines and dots inside the gray part absolutely gone..and the gray color a bit disappear..

COLOR : 7/10
another gray lens again..haahhaa~
the gray doesn't appear obviously gray....i guess that's my eyes don't look so fake kwokwoaoakwoawko :))
in indoor with low light room,,the color disappear,,but your eyes seem bigger and so circle round indoor with light..the color shows up....pretty but not so noticeable..
The gray part make my eyes seem shining in the bottom part just (a bit) like when i use dueba crystal
in outdoor with the help of the God of Sunlight *desk thrown again* xDD ,,, the gray color is noticeable and absolutely adorable..!!

left : wear crystal nudy grey
(bluuuuurrrrr >___< sorrryyyyyy....)


 indoor bright room

 indoor low light room

 with flash

i always loovveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the 16mm lens so much
16mm lens always be my favorites..hohohoohoo~
it gimme perfectly dolly look,,especially lens with outer ring,,make an obvious difference into my look
this lens as well..i guess because there is an outer ring there,,so it can gimme a great enlargement,,a great enlargement means a great dolly look

my eyes seems obviously round and bigger than 16mm...the lens with 16mm diameter always make my face look innocent,,and cute *excuse meeeeee...!!!*
 My friend said,,my eyes look bigger,,,,cuteeeee,,,,such a doll,,,,suits in me,,,,♥
usually,,when i use lens with minimal outer ring,,though it is 16mm (even 17mm) the enlargement is not so obviously noticeable (they give a natural look :D ) so they just see the color not the enlargement

COMFORT : 9/10
i never have a problem using this lens,,i also use it in Air Conditioning's not easily to get blur
Usually,,contact lens with high water content don't easily to get blur in AC room

OVERALL : 9/10
i really love the enlargement and the effect into my look,,but i want the color a bit noticeable

Some other pictures

 closer look in my eyes

 bottom  view

bottom side view

ummmm....i dunno~

Thank's for passing by
Depth ~ Dreamie



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