
 Are you fasting..??
Moslems were doing fasting since  20 July :D
if you do fasting,,hope you can complete your fasting till the last day,,without miss every single of the day ^^
Happy Fasting people :x

My posting this time will discuss no review..aahahaha
*you can breathe*

Btw,,Are you a contact lens lover..?? or even a contact lens addict as me..??
kawoawkokawok.. :))
Have you ever felt that your contact lens suddenly very uncomfortable to use?
or when you just opened a new lens and it felt so hurt in your eyes?

i ever felt it,,and believe me,,it's so uncomfy *uuurrrggggghhhh*

so,,the previous time
i didn't even know that actually i had to soak my newly open lens before i wore it
at the first time,,it was okay..until i tried a new (brand) lens (if i was not mistaken, it was candylicious)
i directly wore it without cleaning or soaking it first,,and you know what happen to my eyes..?
i felt my eyes were burning..!! GGEEEZZZ...!!
it turns RED,,my tears not stop falling and my vessels showed up..!!

what happen next..??
i couldn't use contact lens for a whole day..!!
it's a disaster =__________="
though i'm just a plano user,,but it's no fun going out without wearing any lens

so,,in this post,,i'm going to share the way to take care my lens,,your lens,,any one lens
see how much i love you guys..?? hauhauhauahua :x

first of all,,i'll share about the PRECAUTIONS of using contact lens
please pay attention to every detail :D

  • If you have never worn contact lenses before, please check with your eye-care specialist first before purchasing these lenses.
  • Do not wear the lenses overnight.
  • Do not share the lenses.
  • Do not wear or use the lenses if damaged.
  • Do not let cosmetics like soap, makeup, moisturizers or sunscreen touch your lenses.
  • Avoid being around irritating fumes or vapors (paint, hairspray, oven cleaners, etc.) when wearing your lenses.
  • Do not swim or go in a hot tub while wearing your lenses.
  • Do not allow the lenses to dry out.
  • Do not use saliva to wet or clean your lenses.
  • Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before you handle your lenses.
  • To avoid getting your lenses mixed up, always apply or remove your lenses one at a time, in the same order.
  • Do not use eye drops solutions recommended for conventional hard lenses only.
  • Keep all your solution bottles tightly capped when not in use.
  • Clean, rinse and disinfect your lenses every time you remove them.
  • Use fresh, unexpired lens care solutions.
  • Do not re-use lens solutions.
  • Change your lens solution daily.
  • Do not let the tip of solution bottles touch any surface (including your fingers, eyes or lenses).
  • Rinse your lens case every day and let it air-dry.
  • Replace your lens case every three months (or more frequently).
  • Dispose the lenses 1 year after opening with proper care and cleaning.
  • Dispose the contact lens if expired. The expiry date is marked on each vial.

  • Have you done all of them..???ahahahaha~ /XD

    For the newly open lens
    it's better for you to soak it in the new solution (that you use to be use) before you wear it
    why..?? because the saline solution in the bottle contains PRESERVATIVE
    every contact lens have an expired date, rite?
    That's why a contact lens can be kept until 5 years or more in it's vial because the solution contains  PRESERVATIVE
    for those eyes which cant stand for the preservative,,the result maybe will be the same as mine
    trust me,,it's no good at all :3

    So,,what i do for my newly open lens..??
    first,,i move the contact lens into my lenscase and i give solution usually i use
    let it there for a night (at least 8 hours)
    then in the next morning,,i rinse it in my palm for the inside and outside part
    and if i have more time,,i prefer to STEAM it..

    STEAMING contact lens,,
    may be some of you still confuse
    How to steam a contact lens
    Many of my customers ask me about that as well whehwhehwhe~

    The quality of contact lens can be decrease because of few things
    1. Wear the contact lens too long
    You can use your contact lens 12 hours to the max for everyday use and it is very highly recommended to take it off when you are sleeping...please remember guys,, your eyes also need to breathe

    2. Dust
     Most of the contact lens users, generally, a bit lazy to rinse their contact lens before using it...
    Well,,it can reduce the quality and lens' life span,,that's why it is highly recommended as well to rinse your contact lens before and after you use it
    No offense,,it is also to keep your contact lens more hygienic  :D

     3. Grease accumulation *correct me if i'm wrong pleaseeeee* inside the part of the contact lens
    it can be cleaned by rubbing gently the lens on your palm hand which have been given the solution
    or you can soak it in the warm water  (with the case of course)

    When you use contact lens,it is highly recommended to wear glasses (if you are outside) which can protect your eyes from dirt (avoiding dirt enters accidentally). The dirt can cause an irritation for your eyes >w<
     and the other important thing which some girls sometimes dont care about,,
    YOUR NAIL, honey~
    i guess all the articles about how to wear a contact lens suggest you to have your nail short especially for the fingers that usually you use for put on and remove the lens
    but sometimes, not all the girls obey it..
    Long nails can tear off your lovely lens, honey :(

    Now about steaming contact lens
    One of the way to reduce the grease accumulation inside the part of the contact lens is by steaming it on the lukewarm water (around 70 celcius degree)

    Here's the steps :
    1. Prepare a pot to boiled a water,,wait until it becomes WARM or LUKEWARM (remember WARM not HOT)

    2. Prepare a glass which later will be filled by the lukewarm water

    3. Put your contact lens on your lens case, throw away the solution which had been used to soak it in the night before, change it into a new solution, then close it tightly
    Make sure that no water can enter into the lens case

     4. Put your contact lens (condition no 3) into the glass (no 2) and shake it gently for about 10-15 minutes

    say "hello" to my cute kitty glass..wkoawkokoawok :x

    5. After 10-15 minutes, take out the contact lens from the lens case, rinse the inside and outside part by rubbing it gently with your solution

    Repeat the steps no 3 and 4 once again

    then try to wear your contact lens,,you will feel the difference

    if it still feels uncomfy, you can repeat the steps once or twice again

    buuttt,,,if you already repeat those steps many times and your lens are still uncomfy to use, it's better for you not to wear it anymore ^^

    Me, usually if have some spare time, do the steps only ONCE before wearing my contact lens
    it feels much more better for my eyes

    Remember honey,,your eyes are a precious gift from God
    There's no things can replace it if something happen
    So cherish the gift from God

    Hope it's useful ^^

    Thank's for passing by
    Depth ~ Dreamie



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