Lens Hauls : August 2012

Hi there!
(i always confuse how to start a blog,, haaiiissshhh (۳˚Д˚)۳)

back again with circle lens hauls in this early month
soooo....the last time i bought numbers of contact lens again (and again... i guess i cant stop juz because their designs are freakin' cuteeeeeeee.. GGOOSSHHH..!! (۳˚Д˚)۳)

Last 2 months i joined a PROMOTION on Dreamie Chuppa, bought a pair of selected contact lens,, you'd get a FREE RANDOM GEO lens
woooowwwwww...!!! ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙
u just added 50.000 rupiahs for the max.. you could get a FREE lens whose had 85.000 rupiahs at least.. and if you were lucky,, u could get a 135.000 rupiahs lens just for FREE
sounds a great deal wasn't it?
But sorry,, the promotion just ended exactly in the end of July
now you regret not ordering it huh..?? hohohooo~ dont envy to me yaaa
me myself, as you know from other post, not a big fan of GEO lens because i have a sensitive eyes which cant stand for GEO (it doesnt mean that GEO lens' quality is not good,, but it just cant be friendly with my eyes TT~TT)
but this promotion was a very rare thing
so i didnt wanna even miss that very rare promotion
and all u need to know,, i bought those lens with my own money,, having an onlineshop doesnt mean that i can get all of them free, rite? *sometimes..awkawokoaw*

So this is the list what i and my friend bought
my friend : eos jewelry grey, geo BC 102, geo super nudy green
me : eos jewelry blue get free WT-A13
geo xtra nudy red get free WBS-203

why i choose eos jewelry blue,, well,, this is the newest variant with a very gorgeous design,, such numbers of heart surround your eyes,,
why blue..?? im a big fan of blue lens.. awkoakokwokaok
so i guess i dont have a reason to say no
(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ *kick

then,, geo xtra nudy red
hmmm.... actually i wanna have an inhuman colored lens.... waaaaakakakakka xDD
but im still not pretty confident to wear a red lens everywhere,, pluusss in a small town where im living,, a red lens is still considered as "weird stuff" but this geo nudy attracked me from the very beginning
moreover,, it's a nudy design,, which i will hard to say NO to this design,,, beside that, the red sparkle is not so bright
i guess it will only noticeable in the bright.. hohohohoo~ 
and i juz wanna have a nudy red lens from the very long time..
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ (・o・) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

in this post,, i will just share the picture of the lens so that you can have a picture in your mind what it will be if you wear it..
hope it can be usefull ^^

 Geo BC 102 (my friend's)
the brown design seems so natural... let's wait my friend to do a review on this lens

Eos jewelry grey (my friend's)

 Geo super nudy green (my friend's)

soooo..this is my lens
Eos jewelry blue, geo xtra nudy red, geo xtra bella green (WBS 203) and geo xtra WT-A13

upper left : geo xtra bella green (WBS-203)
upper right : geo xtra nudy red
bottom left : geo xtra WT-A13
bottom right : eos jewelry blue

 the design is so gorgeous..!! colors is so vibrant
looooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiittt...!!!
ヾ( ゚∀゚)ノ゙

 ummm...design juz like my super barbie crystal nudy grey O_O

\(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/

 and last month,, i also ordered Luxury babe lens along with i.fairy for my friend
after waiting for about 3 weeks,,finally my babies reached their new home yesterday

 i.fairy casper green 9my fren's)
woooaaaaa.... so colorful laaaa
i guess it 4-tones lens cause you have black for the limbal, violet, green and yellow
4, rite? 

 luxury babe 24 pink
the design is so gorgeous as well.. and when i saw the model wore it,,, it so damn cuteeeeeeee
ah,, lately i loooovvvvvveee pink lens,, look like a vampire /XD

remember my i.fairy keizen violet?
when i wore it,,many of my friends asked me, did i use a pink lens?
here is the review of I.Fairy Keizen Violet

 Luxury Babe 26 Violet
unlike the other diamond design,, this lens was so different
okaaiii,,im so speechless to give a definition to this design.. waakakkakkaak
but it's sooooooooo freakin' cuteeeeeeeeeee...!!!
 i saw the model wearing it,, it gives a great diamond effect on your eyes

hmmmm... i guess i have 8 new lens in this months
 (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳ (۳˚Д˚)۳

if later i wanna purchase another one,, please someone slap me over and over again,, tell me to stop
pleaseeeeeee (۳˚Д˚)۳..!!

Thank's for visiting
Have a fabulous day

Depth ~ Dreamie



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