Lioele Vita Juicy Foam Cleanser and Shake Pack

 Holllaaaaaa fellas~
Are you have a fabulous day?

aaaa~~ why i seem so excited..??
yeeaaaaa..!! because i wanna tell you about another lioele stuff
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as u know that i am a big fans of lioele products since the first time i tried it
most of the stuff i bought never disappoint me (highlight : MOST OF ya,, not ALL)
sooooo....yesterday there was a LIOELE BEAUTY CLASS in my hometown (FYI, i'm on my holiday for a couple of months),, and i would be the most fool person in the world if i missed that event
actually the beauty class was started at 4 pm,, but i came at 3.30 aaahaahhaha 
why..?? so i have extra time to try the products there
(sorry i dont take any picture of the products because i was so busy try this and that) *excuse meeeeehhhh...!!!*

the beauty class told about what was Lioele, why blaaa.....blaaaa....blaaaa..., what bla...blaa..blaaa....
*skip that part
in the end of the session,, there was a tester session waaakakkaka
so u can try all of the products there,, and that session is what i am waiting for
bwaaakakakakaka (≧∇≦)/
finally, i just bought 2 stuff
Lioele Vita Juicy Foam Cleanser #gold kiwi
Lioele Vita Shake Pack #Kiwi
why only those things? because i already had the other things,, too many of them (i'll post it later, i stilll wait for my other packet from Lioele, last time i order numbers of stuff because there was a promotion in their official website)

Lioele Vita Juicy Foam Cleanser #gold kiwi
Purifing cleansing foam which is designated for individual skin type, purifies skin with its patented formula. Deeply moisturize skin with fresh vitamin B,C,E, and K

 there is 3 type: Gold Kiwi for sensitive skin
Blueberry for normal skin
Cranberry for oily & combination skin

Lioele Vita Shake Pack #kiwi
  • Dead skin cells are removed gently. Nourished, soft and bright skin is resulted.
  • The fresh fruit ingredients in the pack contain vitamins to help moisturize and give your face a clean, fresh feeling.
  • Kiwi extract control dead skin cells, and Vitamin K brightens skin tone to be fresh and young.  

left : Lioele Vita Shake Pack
Right : Lioele Vita Juicy Foam Cleanser

The packaging is ultraaaaa cuteeee
it is a shaker style, lightweight plastic glass which contains 20 individually wrapped mask treatments
it remains me of a caramel popcorn package i bought every time i went to the movies

 20 little individual pack
i really love the idea,, so when you only use a small amount of it, the rest still in a very hygienic condition
fabulous job..!!

closer look into one of the mask
it comes in a small triangle (i remember when i was a kid, there was an ice cream package like this hiyaahahahahaha)
in the very upper area, there are rip off part so it is easier for us to squeeze the mask out into your hands
no need to use scissors

i guess most of you think why i take kiwi in both stuffs
my skin (face) is freakin' sensitive
actually it's normal combination,, so in T-zone area it's oily and the other area is normal
buuuttttt,, i was run out a foam cleanser last time, so i ordered a face soap from a famous doctor
it was written for oily and acne skin
the first time i used it,, it was a hell for my skin
the oil is reduced so great (i was shocked)
but the result, my skin was extremely dry and the next day it was flacky all over the area
gooosshhh..!! disaster..!!

 my skiinn,, so sorryyy....!!

finally, i was hunting for the great foam cleanser for my skin
umm,, i guess better asian brand. Besides of the price, the ingredients (IMO) is made for asian skin
so maybe it will be better~
and lucky me yesterday in Lioele Beauty Class, i found one --> Vita juicy foam cleanser #kiwi
it's for sensitive skin

i'll tell you about the foam cleanser first, since i havent tried the shake pack

 Lioele Vita Juicy Foam Cleanser #gold kiwi
it is easy to use, just like the other foam
 smell : i pretty love the smell, not to strong, not too weird fragrance
amount : the great thing about the amount for you to use is,, you just need to use in a very small amount, it can be used for all over your face area (i use only as a corn kernel's)

Result :
I love how it leaves my skin so moist and firm!
it feels even in the very first use..!!
no more hell, flacky is reduce a lot
 really love the result

Price : it is IDR 110.000 (11 USD)
i think it's an ultra cheap stuff
why? because it comes in big size and I only use the very small amount of it but it gives me a very spectacular result

Repurchase :

i'll update this post after i try the shake pac

Have a fabulous day

Thank's for passing by
Depth ~ Dreamie



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