Dollywink New Package

 do you know that dollywink has a new package?
it's more nyuuuuuuuuuu \(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/ and colorful :x

 i guess i received my package a couple weeks ago
 but,, i was too busy with my assignment,, that's why i just can make a preview this time

if you are a DOLLYWINK lover or addict or holic or whatever you called
of course you know about the liquid eyeliner's old package which comes like this

 picture taken from google

and the liquid eyeliner only comes in 1 shade,, DEEP BLACK which is supaaaaaa dupaaaaaaa best seller all over the world ヾ(´ー`)ノ

now the package has already been renewed which i said it's sooooo nyuuuuuuuu ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

and the new liquid eyeliner comes in 2 shades,, Tsu-can added BROWN on her products
(\ ´▽`)/♡

so this is the real photo of it
left : brown
right : black
 let's see closer

Tsu-can replaced the dot with a flower pattern, and added a colorful color
bright pink and a soft tosca

the pencil eyeliners have a new package as well
and it's still in 2 shades,, Brown and Black
i dont have the real photo of it because i didn't order them,, i just ordered the liquid eyeliner

aanndd,, are you a Dollywink falsie holic?
they also come in a new package

this is the picture of the old package
picture taken from google

and this is the picture of the new package
if you pay attention in the picture above,, there are 3 old falsies which was deleted
they are # 3, 6 and 7,, they were not produced anymore
well,, i guess who ever bought those series,, it's your last collection honey
so keep it save yaaa
(っˆヮˆ)っ  aahhha~ 

but dont worry,, Tsu-can added 3 new falsies as well
they are # 15, 16 and 17

you can see in the official site :
---->   <-----

ahh,, i almost forget
please beware of a fake dollywink liquid eyeliner product
sadly,, this product is sold all around the world now
i found many sellers in Indonesia sell the fake liquid eyeliner as well

it almost has the exactly package as the old dollywink liquid eyeliner
but of course, there are some differences compared to the original one
you can read the review of fake dollywink in the links below
hope it can help you... :x

so saaaaaddd T^T
many customers were attracted by the low  price but they didn't even know that the stuff they bought was a FAKE one

 my friends also found some "dirty" sellers who sold this product >___<
most of the seller uploaded the real dollywink as their picture display with the Tsu-can pictures,, but what the customer received was so much different from the picture they saw
the sellers insisted that the product they sold was an original one, they said it's a new package of the dollywink
(ヽ `д´)ヽ`д´)ヽ`д´)/ Aaaaa!!
how u can say it is ORIGINAL dollywink when you dont even know the original one..??!!
 and the worst thing i found was,, a seller,, who didn't even care about it
she didn't even care if she sold a fake dollywink because she said that her customers wanted a dollywink but in a low price,, so she said that this is the low price dollywink
haaaahh..??!! seriously..??!!
GGOOOSSSHHHH...!! (ノ`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ *desk thrown

generally, they sold the fake one in unreasonable price
why i said unreasonable price..??
 the original one is 1260 yen (around 16 USD or IDR 130.000) exclude the shipping
and,, some sellers in Indonesia sold it about IDR 45.000 - IDR 110.000 (5-12USD)
is that make sense for you..??

so pleaseeeee be very careful of the sellers who sell dollywink liquid eyeliner in unreasonable price
if u find who sell it much much lower than that,, you MUST be very curious about that..!!

 thank's for passing by

have a great day fellas (\ ´▽`)/♡

Depth ~ Dreamie



  1. Hey, I was wondeirng although Dolly Wink has its new packaging all the products are the same right? bc I heard somewhere that they came out with new lashes that were much more natural look and had a different name not sure...
    and I love your blog and am now a follower, I would really appeciate it if you followed me back at

    1. yaaappzz ^^ they just add brown liquid eyeliner in their products ♥
      yeeesss xD no 15-17 are the new lashes,, u can kindly check in their official web ^^ (i guess my pict above is too small T.T) i haven't found any pictures yet,, so saadddd T^T actually i wanna uploaded them as well in here~

      wooaaaaa ^^ thank's a bunch sweetie *huugg*
      done following you back xD
      your blog is so loveeelllyyyy ♥♥♥


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