Aimu Medusa Chocolate

It's been a long time since i posted about a contact lens' review
the last review was my Super Barbie Hybrid Blue
i tried not to open anymore,, but it failed again this time

anyway,, this time i wanna review a lens which maybeeeeeeeeeeee,, rarely to find (人’∀’)


Diameter : 17,8 mm
Water Content : 42%
B.C : 8.6
Thickness : 0,022

i picked this contact lens (in chocolate color) to be reviewed because i found something unique from this stuff
wanna know what it is..??

let's begin

for so long, i never had a chocolate lens
i dunno,, but i didn't like black or chocolate lens,, especially dense black
instead of cute, i felt creepy when using black lens,, moreover it gave me a weird look when seeing my eyes was totally shiny dense black
i guess chocolate will suit me better

but,, to be honest,, i really wanna make a try on those colors,,,,,, many of my customers like black lens,, they always looked for a dense black
yeaaaahhh,, black lens always be a favorite choose for my customers
chocolate lens were not so favorite,, only few of my customers chose a chocolate lens

back to last time,, i ever had a black lens from fynale,, it's FYNALE HIME BLACK with diamond design
the only good things about this lens is just about the comfort
though it's not a dense black, it gave you a wonderful enlargement and a beautiful sparkling black eyes or what ever you call it
still,, i didn't like it

i repeat "i dont like black lens,, i feel creepy when using black lens"

 one day, i was informed that AIMU MEDUSA was restocked
on the first time, i didn't take any attention to this circle lens until i heard the name
it's name really tickled my ears

as you know that when you hear the name of MEDUSA,, it will remind you of a woman from Greek who generally described as having the face of a hideous human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Gazing directly upon her would turn onlookers to stone. (source :

 (picture taken from Google)

since i was curious about this lens, i did a googling,, but i found less information about this lens
i was looking for any real photos of it,, but it came with nothing
till finally one day, in one lucky situation, i found the photos of MEDUSA lens in black color
 i was amazed by it,, then i know why it's named AIMU MEDUSA
*still i will keep you in curiosity about it waaaakakakak*

actually it comes in 6 colors,, grey,, black,, brown,, choco,, blue,, and burgundy
 well,, i was so excited then,, finally after lookin into my album, i decided to pick chocolate lens to be reviewed
actually i wanna choose burgundy,, but,, when i saw the model wearing it, it just looked like a brown color
so,, skip the burgundy,, let's choose chocolate

here is the picture where the model wearing it

look so shiny chocolate

 why i choose chocolate..??
as i said before,, i NEVER had any chocolate lens,, just curious what it will be in my eyes
(not to visible, and will become black to be for sure)

so,, a few days ago,, this circle lens reached my home
and this morning, after i woke up, i decided to make a review on this lens
(\ ´▽`)/♡ 

let's see what i got

the circle lens comes in vial packaging as any other

the label sticker is far from the word "CUTE"

naaaaahhhh,, it's time to tell you what made me so excited to make a review on this lens
i found the pattern so unique
its a Medusa's head,, 5 Medusa's heads


let's see closer

if the pattern would visible in my eyes,, i guess it will be so cool

Preview Time

see the enlargement..?? so lovely hugeeeeee



Design : 8 / 10
i was attracted by it's design though it's a bit creepy if i remember who is medusa
but it didn't visible when i used that
because i have a black eyes,, all dark color will be look like as black in my eyes
however, the limbal ring is average,, not so thick,, either not so thin with the same color as the other part

 Color : 6,5 / 10
dark chocolate (contact lens' color) feat black (my eyeball color) --> BLACK
but it's not dense black,, it's a bit sparkling and shiny black (or i can say dark choco)
nothing special about the color,, but i love how it looks ^^

Enlargement : 10 / 10
a dark lens always give a very good enlargement effect if you look for it
i love seeing how my look when i use this lens
(\ ´▽`)/♡ 
look so cute, so innocent and younger
it's better for my overall look

ummm,, i named it,, a perfect baby look

Comfort : 9 / 10
this lens is extremely comfortable,, it's so thin
i almost didn't feel using these

but problem comes after using for about 6 hours
it felt a bit dry but no redness issues
so far,, i didn't have a serious problems with the comfort~

more picts

in conclusion

if you lookin for a dark color lens in bigger diameter which can give you a huge and visible enlargement with a unique pattern
u can make a try on this lens

hoping everyone who look directly into my eyes not changing into a stone
bwaaakakakaka xDD

(Q╰_╯)=○☆‎​(x,☉")  *punch

have a great day, fellas

thank's for stopping by

Depth ~ Dreamie


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