Eye Candy Belle Green

NOTE : this post gonna be a verrrrryyyyyy long post


There is an interesting Promotion in this November \(´▽`)/
Every purchase of EOS lens and EYE CANDY lens,, you'll get FREE piggy doll (´⌣`ʃƪ) 
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

well,, because the promotion is a bit rarely,, so i dont wanna miss that out
and this is what i've grabbed

1 pairs EOS and 1 pair EYE CANDY ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

not forget about the gift,, hohohohooo........ this is the very cute piggy doll (\ ´▽`)/♡

What EOS did i choose?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ BLYTHEYE VIOLET ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

the color is soooooo yummy..!!

the last time i have the Blytheye Blue
the color is so vibrant, lovely and adorable..!!
so this time i wanna own the violet one,,hohohooo, i've been eyeing this from a moment ago
i'll review it another time yaaaa~

now let's proceed into my EYE CANDY lens which attracted me in the first time

maybe rarely you hear this brand,, either did I
even never i heard this brand, so i was a bit curious what it'll be like~
there are some designs of it actually,, but just 2 designs are really really attracted me
Candy Chell and Candy Belle
candy chell is like i.fairy tofi which has more vibrant color
but i was sooooooooooooooo in love with this Belle design


so let's begiinnn

colorful pastel label 

Diameter : 15 mm
Water : 48%
B.C : 8.6
CT : 0,025 mm
Disposable : 6 months

it's said that it made from SILICONE HYDROGEL

Silicone hydrogel contact lenses are an advanced type of soft lens that allow more oxygen to pass through the lens to the cornea than regular soft lenses. In fact, silicone hydrogel lenses enable up to five times more oxygen to reach the cornea than regular soft contact lenses.
Both silicone hydrogel and regular soft lenses are made of water-loving (hydrophilic) plastics called hydrogels. These materials are hard when in the dry state, but become soft when they absorb water.
If you've ever let a soft or silicone hydrogel lens dry out, you know that it becomes deformed, hard and fragile. but if you soak it for a few minutes in contact lens solution, it becomes soft and pliable again.
(source : http://www.allaboutvision.com/contacts/silicone-hydrogel.htm)

as i said, i grabbed BELLE series in GREEN

seriously..??!! (⊙︿⊙)
the green color was supa dupa thin,, it almost transparent

 it's design reminds me of Super Barbie Hybrid Green or Luxury Babe 19 Green

what it be like in my eyes..??

let's start the revieeeewww

start with the one eye using the lens,, and the one with no lens

my eyes just seems aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lil bigger but it really changes my eyes into an adorable crystallize shinny eye 

Super shiny..!!

•○• REVIEW •○•

DESIGN : 8,5/10
i see the design just as super barbie hybrid,, but when it's used it looks like i'm wearing my vivian green lens
but my vivian's color still shows up compared to this (╥﹏╥) 
the good thing is,, it changes my eyes into a very adorable crystallize shinny eyes which i looooooovvveeeeeeeeeee it so much
\(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/ \(´▽`)/
especially when in outdoor,, it's so totally absolutely purfectly adorableeeeeeeee....!!!!
buuuuuttttt,, which make me disappointed is it's totally different with the model wearing it

COLOR : 8,5/10
i found the green color is supa dupa thin,, almost transparent  (۳˚Д˚)۳ which is a bad news for me  (¯―¯٥)
actually i hope more on the color because i have a black eyeball,, so sometimes the actual color will disappear in my eyes 。・゚゚・ ( >д< ) ・゚゚・。
in some condition,, it turns into supa shinny grey,, makes a look that as if my eyeballs are made from plastic

Enlargement : 9/10
when i saw the model wearing it,, honestly i didn't expect a very huge enlargement from this design
i wanna have a natural look,, so people don't notice me wearing a contact lens
i wanna make them think that this is my real eyes,, ahahahha xDD
so,, i don't care about enlargement this time,, ohohhooo~
so far i feel satisfied with it's diameter (。◕‿◕。)

Comfort : 9,5 / 10
i can say this lens is incredible comfy..!! is that because of the silicone hydrogel? i have no idea
but,, trust me,, this lens is incredible supa dupa ultra comfy
i cant barely feel the lens after a few minutes i used it ..!! (´⌣`ʃƪ)
i used it more than 10 hours,, i didn't have any dryness or redness issue, i need no drop any contact lens refresh or what you name it

OVERALL : 9/10
though i'm a bit disappointed with the color,, but this lens gimme an unexpected comfy
i guess i'm gonna love this lens in the next 6 months,, hohohooo
it's very suitable for daily use if you dreamed to have a supa shinny eyeball and dramatic eye's effect
 wakakwkakkwkaw :))

more pictures

i love my gold hair,, ahaahhhahaha xDD

have a fruitful day, fellas

Depth ~ Dreamie


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