Pandora Vanilla Shake Green

i guess summer in my town takes much longer than it should be
it so damn hoooottt...!!!

anyway,, in this post i'll tell a circle lens review again~

Pandora Vanilla Shake Green

When the first time i was informed there was a new contact lens named Pandora, i found the name sounds tickle in my ears..aahahaha (≧▼≦;)
Moreover, when i heard the series "Vanilla Shake" aaahaahha it reminded me of milkshake..
  (ノ≧∇≦)ノ bwaakkakakaka
what it be like? i was soooooo curious /XD

another thing that made me decided to pick this lens to be reviewed is the diameter
19,5 mm is like a.........  WOW..!!
it's not a usual diameter i guess, but,, i dont have any idea in my head about the "HUGE" diameter
because some of the review i read said in opposite way
though the diameter is WOW,, but when it's used,, it just only as 16 mm lens
few of the reviewers were disappointed with the diameter
(┌_┐) (┌_┐) (┌_┐)

so far, the biggest diameter i ever tried was 17,8mm for my
and it was a bit uncomfortable in my eyes (* ̄m ̄)

i picked out green colors because the green seems to be so stunning compared to the other color
my last 2 nudy lens were not so stunning,, in opposite they tend to be like a black lens ヽ(´Д`; )ノ

so, first, let's see my preview
(picts spaaaammmm)

package,, comes in a pink box with gold printed

front side

back side

 while for Pandora lens's package come in blister which is somehow better than a vial package
cause sometimes you can hurt your finger when opening the vial's seal

and,, no need to worry if you drop this unopened lens by accident because it will not break into pieces
the blister comes in a thick plastic
pretty save for careless person like me

the pattern is quite interesting (。◕‿◕。)
i dunno how to describe it ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
so i'll give you some pictures,,, well sometimes picture can speak better than words

Pandora Vanilla Shake Green front side

 Pandora Vanilla Shake Green back side

I'm sure you don't notice that my pair has slightly a different thickness color
lemme tell you what i mean

 the left one has thinner color while the right one has thicker colour

 see closer

in the picture up..up..up  above,, i use the left one for the front side,, and the right one for the back side
so the color is a bit different

but for me,, it doesn't matter at all
the different shows up when i use those,, but it's ookaaayyy laaaa~
i can have different eye color, then *slaapp*
\(‾▿‾\) \(´▽`)/ (/‾▿‾)/

now,, let's proceed into the thing that attracted me from the very first time
HUGE DIAMETER (˚----̩̩-̩̩˚)

in the box, the company writes 19,5 mm
well,, it makes me kinda curious about it
is  it really 19,5 mm?
while, as i know, our eyes just only 22 cm in the max
so, 19,5 mm will turn your look into a creepy one
well,, sometimes bigger diameter doesn't always mean that you'll have a more cute and prettier look
it can be scary and so weiiirrrddd.....

but,, in the reality it doesn't have the exactly diameter as it's written

the length between the transparent edge is 17mm
while the color part only 15mm
booooo...!!! that's why some reviewers complained about the enlargement

so my question is,, why the company wrote 19,5 mm while the exact diameter is not as bigger as it's written
to attract customers?

ah,, skip my question
i guess i already know the answer..LOL

i'll show you what the lens is like in my eyes


Pattern :  5/10
honestly,, neither,, i like the pattern nor i dislike it awkkakwakkwkaw...
though the pattern didn't attract me,, i never had this kind of pattern before,, ahahhahha
kinda new for me~
the pattern gives me a snake eyes look,, aahhaahhaa,, such orochimaru

 the outer ring is kinda thin,, it will not look so big for sure

always and always,, starting with one eye using the lens,, and one eye with no lens

Enlargement : 2 / 10
 after measuring, i expected no more lah from the enlargement
pluuusss,, this lens has a thin outer ring
so,, it's absolutely will not give you a noticeable enlargement
as you can see from the picture above,, not to big ya?
just a bit bigger from my eye ball (;¬_¬)

color : 8/10
the color is obviously show up
i love how the color look like when it's used
this lens is 3tones because you have black, blue and green
buuuuttt,, instead of looking green, this lens looks more blue since the blue color has bigger part than the green (for the thicker color)
the thinner color,, turns my eyes into a snake eye (as i said before)
greeeeennnn eye LOL

so pleaseeee,, excuse the different color yaaa~

look better with the flash

black leeeeennnnssss

Comfort : 9 / 10
this lens is incredibly thin,, i almost forgot that i used lens =)) aahahahaha =))
yeaaa,, it's really thin,, my eyes didn't really feel wearing this lens
but,, after 6 hours wearing,, my eyes felt a cool sensation
=)) aahhahahaa =))
was it dry or anything..?? i didn't know

Overall : 6 / 10
if you wanna look a bit different from your everyday look, you can try this lens
the color shows up beautifully, the pattern can change your look as well :x
but a bit disappointed by the diameter,,  if you expect big diameter from this lens
i guess you'll feel the same way as i am

:x snake eyeeeeeeeee \=D/

 it looks so scary from this side


Where you can get this contact lens :
Dreamie Chuppa

Have a fabulous day fellas

Depth ~ Dreamie


  1. Thanks for the review < 3
    This design is unique!

  2. Thank you for the review. I just wanted to tell you, though, that you look absolutely gorgeous without the lens. Your natural eye colour is beautiful- and that's coming from a girl who has blue eyes naturally.


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