Circle Lens Haul : January 2013

feel it's been a long time i don't post anything ,, Ahh,, recently i'm too busy with my real life 
now i work in an office as an employee,, so my real life job has taken most of my online time
i only has free time for online after 6 P.M and i must sleep early so that i don't wake up late in the next morning  and of course keep my eyes open for a whole day  asdfghjkl 
it's totally different with my last normal life,, so i'm still struggling to fix up my sleeping habit 
My normal life only occurs in Saturday and Sunday  *faint*

And,, between my free time,, what i post today is about circle lens haul again.... wkakwkakwkkaw
dunno laa ,, i just can't stop buying contact lens,, they always tempting me  huhuhhuhuu
i guess i've been overspent in 可愛い。 のデコメ絵文字 #asdfghjkl image

now let's see what i've bought in 

starts from top to bottom

Dueba Furfur Brown (Gold)

Candy Eye Belle Honey

Candy Eye Bulle Red

Geo Xtra WT-A2

i ever used exactly the same pattern but from Super Barbie brand, you can see my review HERE
and i ever got Geo Xtra WT-A3 as well,, see the picture

I. Fairy Venus Red

The Prodigurls Ms Miu Miu Blue
This is my 2nd purchased, because the first one has just already been bought by my friend

The Prodigurls Ms Prada Violet

I.fairy Binky Violet

And there are some already opened
[link will be given after i make the post]
Deco-mail pictograms of Heart Dueba Bubble Grey Deco-mail pictograms of Heart
Deco-mail pictograms of Heart Geo Forest Blue Deco-mail pictograms of Heart

and today i just opened 2 more contact lenses HAHAHA

Deco-mail pictograms of Heart Vassen Forest Grey Deco-mail pictograms of Heart

Deco-mail pictograms of Heart Dueba Crystal.i Grey Deco-mail pictograms of Heart

you can read the review HERE

this is also my 2nd purchased 
i ever used Dueba Crystal.i Grey  long time ago (i guess the first time when i did a Pre order),, but at that time i haven't had a blog so i didn't have any review on this lens 
But, because now purchase this lens again so i will do some review about it hohohohoo

just wait yaaaa image,, i'll post about geo forest blue, vassen forest grey, dueba bubble grey and dueba crystal.i grey as soon as possible 

Thank's for passing by 

Depth ~ Dreamie 
16gif.gif image by PixKaruumi 


  1. Replies
    1. awkakwakwaw.. ane jg syock mak pas dikumpul2in,, banyaakk ternyataaa *tepokjidat*
      ane ingetnya cuma beli 3 pair aja,, 1 pair geo kan dpt free X__x

  2. they look nice!
    can't wait to see you what they look like on the eyes

    1. wait yaaa \(´▽`)/ i'm still doing the review.. will be posted a.s.ap

      thank's for passing by (´⌣`ʃƪ)

  3. Replies
    1. lucuuukkk mak,, cm ga nongol warnanyaaaa gelaaaaaappp itu ane comot warna paling terangnyaaa xDD


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