Refresh Contacts

So,, lately there had been so many customers and friends of mine asking
"do we need a special eye drop for contact lens wearer..imageimage"

A common complain with many contact lens wearers is dry eyes. why..imageimage because the contact lens we use absorbs an amount of our tears. Some normal symptoms of dry eye usually include burning, irritation, stinging, redness and blurred vision.
Do you ever experience them too..

One option to battle dry eyes is by using an eye drop for contact lens wearer

is eye drop for contact lens wearers different with eye drops for soothing relief from redness (for ex in Indonesia we can find Rohto, Visine, etc)..?
it's absolutely different,, because products as Rohto and Visine are not made for contact lens wearers.. it's material can be absorbed by the contact lens and it can damage the contact lens
furthermore, eye drop i mentioned above shouldn't be used for a long time because can harm our eye

can we use solution as eye drop...
i dunno for sure,, but i use my solution as my eye drop sometimes,, it can soothe my redness image
and i re-wet my eye every time i feel the dryness
some information i know that solution containing cleaner and disinfectant can't put directly in your eyes
well,, for further information,, i guess we need to ask the expert about this oneimage
i will not put my eyes in a harm..NEVER..imageimageimage


So,, if you ask me,, what eye drop do i normally use..image
it's formula is made special for contact lens wearers

the information in the box

REFRESH CONTACTS provide instant soothing relief and long lasting comfort for all contact lens wearers. The unique formulation relieves the dryness and irritation caused by dust, glare, pollen, air pollution or over working giving more comfortable lens wear all day long.

Instruction for use  :
 place 1 or 2 drops in each affected eye
 use as required
 for extra comfort place 1 or 2 drops on each lens before inserting

Suitable for use with all types of contact lenses including disposables

image Do not use if allergic to any of the ingredients
image do not swallow solution
image To avoid contamination, do not touch the bottle tip on any surface, avoid direct contact with eye
image Close the bottle tightly immediately after use
image Discard any remaining solution 60 days after opening
image Do not use after expire date
image Keep out of the reach of children
image Store at room temperature

If you have continued problems please discuss with your lens care practitioner 

Contains :
15 mL solution
Sodium carbonxymethylsellulose 0,5%
Purite 0.0005%

it comes in a tiny turquoise plastic bottle 

 no need to remove my contact lens image
 it can soothe my redness and calm my dryness
 i can bring it every where without spend so much space
 easy to get

 you have to discard after 60 days from the first opening ,, sometimes still there so much stuff in the bottle,, but it already 60 days 

 where you can get this stuff..image
i buy this at GUARDIAN  for IDR 47.500 (around 4,5 USD)

Thank's for passing by

Depth ~ Dreamie
16gif.gif image by PixKaruumi


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