Dueba Crystal.i Grey

fuaaaahhhhh...!!  finally i can go online again after a week suffering from my broken down modem 
aaiiihhhhh.. a week without an internet connection such in hell for me.. feel that my notebook can do nothing except for listening my playlist .... and my days feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo extra ordinary long 

and after suffering from the crazy week,, now i'm back with my another contact lens review

actually this is my 2nd purchase on Dueba crystal.i grey , the first time i used crystal.i grey when i did my first online shop pre order,, i was impressed by it's comfort image hahaaayyy..!!
usually, one brand, will have the same comfort level, but among all Dueba lenses, i feel this series is the most comfortable one image
i can use it more than 8 hours without eye drop, redness or any irritation issues
great isn't it..??image

before i start my review, i figured out there are some slightly differences on the new crystal.i
i remember the first crystal.i i  ever used before had lighter color,, not dark and also had no outer ring

let me show you my old crystal.i grey

it had lighter grey (more transparent) with no outer ring

this is how the old crystal.i look in my eyes

from far, my eyes look like a crystal and so natural grey
but because of the color is a bit light and transparent, it's a bit hard to notice the contact lens
even in outdoor,, the color is hardly visible (only shiny)
it will only gimme a lil bigger eye ball with a bit shiny effect... i often said that it's such i have a plastic eyeball....akakaka 

will the new design be as same as the old one..?? let's see 


Spesification :
Diameter : 14,5mm
Water Content : 38%
B.C : 8.6
Disposable : 12 months

 darker, rite?

left : concave side             right : convex side

the reason i picked up this lens again because i was curious when seeing the different color thickness with the previous one, moreover the previous was so impressed me with it's comfy and result for my overall look

so let's start the review * Emoticons * デコメ of the same face as well


Design :
It's a very simple 2 tone lens with light and dark grey combination color image it's pattern is such a crystal image

Color :

the new crystal.i is darker and thicker than the previous one. It causes the pattern and outer ring are more visible,, beside that, the light grey color is a bit visible as well,, it sparkles beautifully when hit by the sun light
compare with the old one, this lens is more grayish [the old one was a bit bluish]
the color creates a very dramatically deep gray eyes
and because it's dark color, it blends purfectly on my eyes, it seems that i (indeed) have a dark gray eyes

in outdoor, it's crystallize effect creates a very beautiful sparkle on my eyes

left : with lens              right : no lens 

enlargement :
when the color get darker, the outer ring is more visible.... When the outer ring is more visible, it will give more dimension onto your eye.. it seems bigger than the old one,, so much bigger
though it's only 14,5 mm but it seems as more than 15 mm on my eyes
it makes my eyes more pop-up YAAAYY

means..?? I  IT..!!! 

bluuurrr *sorry*

Comfortimage :
i've been wearing this new contact lens for about 2 weeks Deco-mail pictograms of Heart and as the previous,, i don't have any stingy or irritation or redness issues using Dueba especially for crystal.i series image
i feel that this series is the most comfy among all the series,, i dunno why,, but i can't wear other series as long as i use crystal.i series
moreover, Dueba has the most low water content which can make the lens stay on my eyes longer than the others

generally, when you use a contact lens, you will feel "something" on your eye, but this crystal.i is keeping the quality.. i can barely feel the lens,, even after i use for about 6 hours

Last Words :
if you look for a natural look with a very simple design but creates a beautiful effect image,, this lens can be put in your next wish list 
the dark color makes it seems that you don't wear any contact lens, it's so natural look image
in outdoor, the crystallize effect will absolutely steal people's attention around

compared to the old design, i love the new one, it makes my eyes look more dramatically because of the bigger enlargement and the color can be seen obviously

Thank's for passing by

Depth ~ Dreamie
16gif.gif image by PixKaruumi


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