Miomi ETRay Blue

Actually i wanna make a try on this lens for a very long time ago from the first time since this brand was available but there's only grey and brown for the color choice , so i ended up with waiting other colors coming......... HOHHOHOHOHOO 

for you who don't sound so familiar with this brand, i'll give you some information about it
Do you still remember "BARBIE EYE", this brand ever booming a couple years ago, and (no offense) i was also one of the biggest fan's of BARBIE EYE
why..?? because the lens is supa thin and supa comfy to use 

Naaahhhh,, from last year, "BARBIE EYE" discontinued and changed it's name to "MIOMI" and renew their packaging, it also added a very cute bunny image case in every single packaging of miomi
The bunny case is attached together with the contact lens, so when you buy a pair of contact lens, you will get 2 bunny image case

Brand : Miomi
Series : ETRay
Color : Blue
Origin : Korea

Diameter : 14,5 mm
Water Content : 45%
B.C : 8.6
Disposable :  1 Year

you can see other options HERE

it's packaging is a bit confusing yet amazing  AHAHHAHAH 
AMAZING because you will get a contact lens with the bunny image case attached in it
usually the bunny image case will have the same color as the contact lens' color, so you can't ask for different color (ex. contact lens in blue, you can't ask for a black bunny image case)
and it's pretty safe since it doesn't come with a vial packaging, so if you are in a very high temper then you suddenly *accidentally* smash the package to the floor, it will completely safe #slapped#

CONFUSING because......................................... i didn't find any way to open it without using my scissor

What's inside the package :

The Direction of Using and Taking Care of your contact lens

The Miomi ETRay Blue
let's have a closer look on the design 

AND here's the thing that attract me from the first time BUNNY image CASE.. 

     :  7/10
It's a 2tones contact lens with a supa dupa simple design
umm... i found a bit different thing from this lens,, the limbal or outer ring is not BLACK,, but it's CHOCO
furthermore, the choco line is more dominant than the blue,, hopefully it will creates a beautiful look 

    : 9,5/10
From the very beginning,, i'm not sure this lens has 14,5 mm for it's diameter
why..?? because it seems bigger than 14,5 mm so i took my ruler and put the contact lens on it
see what i've got 

 16 MM....

YAY or NAY..??


i love 16 mm contact lens more than the other diameter, it gives me a visible enlargement ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy
and because it has an average limbal ring, it makes my eye ball such a marble, big and round ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy  HAHHAHA
moreover, it makes my look becomes younger and innocent  #excuse meeeeeehhhhhh#

   :  7/10
i got a bit disappointed  with the color since the blue is not so dominant compared to the choco image moreover, it's not so vibrant and almost gone in my black eye image
actually i'm hoping more on the color image,, more visible blue,, i love using a vibrant color contact lens

in outdoor or in a room with a bright light, you can hardly notice the blue color 
and because i have a black eye ball, so the choco lines *or what you named it* i completely gone in my eye, then it creates a natural eye,, seems that my eyes have a dark blue color 

usually, a blue contact lens will cause a difficulty to suit on your skin 
sometimes, it even makes your look becomes pale , but i guess this color will suit any kind of complexion since it's not too vibrant 

in low light room,, AAHAHAHAH  don't ask me
like other contact lens,, it will absolutely turns into a black lens color AWKAWKKWWK

    : 9/10
i was curious about the Miomi's comfort since it's a new name from BARBIE EYE
i found no problems when using BARBIE EYE so i was hoping that the renew of BARBIE EYE also has the same quality with the old one


and i found this Miomi's comfort................... HILARIOUS  the contact lens is supa dupa thin (as BARBIE EYE) makes me feel like i'm not wearing something in my eyes ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of cute emoticons just the same as my last experience using BARBIE EYE
it cause me no redness or itchy or stingy feeling though i'm using it for about 6 hours
but after 6 hours, my eyes start to feel a bit tired

if you are looking for a blue contact lens which suit your daily look without creates a pale or weird look, i guess you should make a try on this contact lens 
the 16 mm diameter feats average limbal ring creates a beautiful big and round dolly eyes, make you look becomes more cute and innocent #slapped#

Thank's for passing by 

Depth ~ Dreamie

16gif.gif image by PixKaruumi


  1. bagus warnanya ..
    replacenya barbie eye ..
    btw c ..
    itu dapat link emojinya dimana ya kalu boleh tau >,<
    soalnya lucu ..

    1. hihihihii~

      dari sini http://superkawaiiemoticon.tumblr.com/

  2. ini lucu bgt!>.< review harganya dong kalo boleh. hehehe thanks yaXD


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