Eye Candy Bulle Red

This time, i'm gonna post a review from EYE CANDY again  hohohohoo デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy
lately i fell in love  with this brand because of it's comfy, so when i was informed that there was a stock for red lens from this brand, i was supa dupa excited to try it AHAAYY デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy 

i prefer to use BELLE GREEN for my daily because the color is more show up than the onyx cooper which only makes my eye ball look bigger

Actually i already had this contact lens for a couple months ago  you can check my posting HERE 
yet because i kinda busy with my daily life and (more over) my lappie was broken down  for 2 months  so this post is postponed for a lil moment.. GOMEEEEEEENNNNNN 

hoowwkkeeeeyyyyy... back to topic why i finally choose eye candy bulle in red color?
i picked up this RED lens cuz i wanna try different color,, so far i always ended up with blue or grey or green HAHAHHAAH  well, this will be my first review on RED lens
and i saw this RED lens will not so visible, honestly i need some adjustment when trying new contact lens' color, start with some thing which is not so visible,, then i will choose the visible one gradually and end up with the most vibrant one wakakakakakakaka  #slap
moreover (you know that) i'm in love with the design, it's hard for me to say NO when seeing this design,, and not forget that.......................................... IT'S 3 TONEEEESSS..!!! owakowkaw 

Specification :
Brand : Eye Candy
Seri : Bulle
Color : Red (wine)

Diameter : 15 mm
Water Content : 45%
Disposable : 6 months

DESIGN : 9.5/10
this kinda design is never disappointed me before in making a natural looking eye  and it reminds me of my SUPER BARBIE HYBRID (i got BLUE and BROWN), furthermore, it's 3tones hahahahaha  so is it strong enough to pick this.. a big .

(sorry for the blurry)

with this kind of design, don't hope too much in the enlargement effect. It ain't gonna give you any enlargement or dolly look or what you name it, yet it gives you a very natural eye image

left : with lens                        Right : no lens
aiyhoooooo.. so lovely aaaaa  it seems so naturaaaallll.. hahahhaa  me super  it!

COLOR :4/10
ummmm,, i'm a bit confuse to explain about it's color  it's not RED, i can say it's more to deep purple color image this color reminds me of my I.FAIRY KEIZEN VIOLET (yet my keizen is more vibrant)

when i wear this contact lens, it seems that i use a deep purple (almost brown image) color contact lens from far, even when you look into my eyes closely... honestly, i'm a bit disappointed with the color, i expect (deep) RED color,, or at least people will notice that i use RED contact lens,, but i don't get it 

COMFORT : 9/10
eye candy's comfy is never disappointed me  the contact lens feels sooooo thin and soft 
i can barely feel the contact lens when wearing them even for hours 
it doesn't cause any itchy, redness or stingy issues  YAAAYY..!! 

YAY if you :
- dislike contact lens in big diameter
- not looking for a dolly eye effect and visible enlargement
- love natural eye result
- dislike too vibrant red color
- looking for daily contact lens that suit with your complexion

NAY if you :
- like contact lens in big diameter
- looking for dolly eye effect and visible enlargement
- dislike natural eye
- looking for vibrant red color


Depth ~ Dreamie


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