Luxury Babe 61 Blue

i'm gonna review my contact lens from Luxury Babe, this brand is the same manufacture as Super Barbie (in case you don't know)
My Super Barbie supplier said that they will no longer produce any super barbie, they will concentrate on luxury lens which is claimed to be more moist..........................................well,, that's BAADD.. sooooooo BAAADD.. because i'm a big fan of super barbie lens since it's so comfy to use and i found couple of interesting and unique designs which i couldn't find in other brands 

i remembered when the first time they informed me that they had launched their official website, i only saw 16 their first designs which mostly were 3 tones and made my jaw dropped  and another day,, it became 42 designs and now it already 66 designs *faint*  GGEEEZZZZZZZ.. 

fell in love onto some of their designs.. yaaa of course laaaaa.. it's so imposibble to be not awkkwkkakwka  i was interested in some series and i already purchase some them long time ago, my bad habit  can i tell myself that i'm an impulsive buyer then? 

skip it........... this time i wanna have a review on their newest collections that really makes me scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...... since the first time they launched the design awkowkoakowkoakw 


i guess my last opened contact lens were mostly blue,, and this time i'll open another blue color contact lens.. wakwkakwkkawkkaw  wwoooo.. woooo.. wooooo.. don't judge first laaaaa.. wait until u know my reason why i adore this contact lens so much wkakwkakwkakw  #punch 

Seri : 61
Color : BLUE

Diameter : 17 mm
Water Content : 48%
Disposable : 1 year

let's start the review (picts spam alert wkakwkkwkkaw  i'm too interested in the design n color)


1. DESIGN : 9,5/10
It's a very simple 3 tones contact lens with a very unique design  *IMO*
generally, u'll have a 3 tones contact lens design with color in inner ring, middle and outer ring
but this contact lens' design is so much different with my other 3 tones design
it has grey outer  then blue and green for the color combination  design is supa dupa pretty.. remind me of peacock 

Luxury Babe's package are in the vial and blister, for no 1-40 *correct me if i'm wrong* is in the vial, while for the rest come in blister which has a vintage theme wkakwkkwka 

how adorable...imageimageimageimageimage

and i can't help my hand not to open it.. i swear..

2. ENLARGEMENT : 9,5/10
as my supplier informed me, this luxury has larger diameter, it's 17mm
so,, let my never-lie-ruler proves it

OMG..  it's really 17mm (including the transparent part)
should i scream excitedly now akwkakwkakw  #punch 

see the enlargement.. it makes my eyes sooooooo dolly in beautiful color ahhahhhaa 
YAAAYYY.. another dolly look  HOHHOOHOHOHOHO 

3. COLOR : 9/10

will i love the color
the color is supa dupa ultra adorable imageimage it comes up beautifully while the design made it look so unique especially when you are in outdoor area ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy creates a mysterious effect onto your eye ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy
but still (i guess i never satisfied ah~) the color is not so obviously visible 

dancing of happiness mwahahhahahaa 

though, it's not so bright as i want yet it's still soooooo adorable image

4. COMFORT : 7/10
well,, i doubt my supplier's words which is claimed luxury will be more moist than super barbie 
my experience, super barbie is more moist than luxury (NOTE : this is my pure experience, you might have different result) it just comforts in the first 4 hours, i feel like i wear nothing, but after 4 hours it starts to feel so dry in my eyes  yet i don't have any redness or itchy issues.... but it's so saadd to have them only 4 hours in my eyes 

BONUS : Pict spaaaaammmssss  HOHHOOHOHOHOHO 

Eyeliner Review :  See HERE image

lemme think about it again, because i really adore the color but not the comfort
i wanna have the violet one, but i'm in doubt now 

it may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result


Warm Regards,
Depth ~ Dreamie


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