Lioele L'Cret Magic Lipstick #3 Fresh Mint

as you know that lip balm is a must bring stuff for me regarding to my very terrible and dry lippie condition  (which is getting a bit better right now) i cant live without a lip balm near me 

Last time i prefer to have a pot lip balm because ima bit a packaging sucker and as you know that pot lip balms mostly have a cute packaging, and they tempted me a lot... but now because my activity needs me to apply it in quick way, so i prefer to have a stick lip balm in my bag. More over, it is more hygienic when you not dip your bare finger into the stuff  

You can read my review about lip balm HERE

lately i love tint balm more than just a balm.. tint balm can make me having more better lippie color along with the balm moisturizes my lippie in the same time, great isn't it
yeeeaaaa if we can have 2 advantages just in one product, then why not eh haahahahahhaa  #slap 
now,, lemme introduce you into my lately wonderful tint balm


it comes with a very simple reflective black box with white and silver printing, green color in the top of the box as the color indicator of the stuff inside

curious by the sentence : MIRACLE MAGIC LIPSTICK SPF 14?
you'll know about it soon :iconbubblecuteplz:
this Lioele comes up in 5 shades (such i see a rainbow ads ahahhahaa) and 2 kinds packaging
Diamond and Square

(spurce :
Lioele L'cret Miracle Magic Lipstick is a hypoallergenic, long-lasting, waterproof mood lipstick with SPF14. So it acts as a lip balm, lip stick, lip treatment, lip tint, and UV protectantThe lipstick is paraben-free, lasts for at least 12 hours, is non-transferable, and kiss-proof.

The product contains natural oils/oil complexes (castor seed oil, orange oil, lavender oil, rosa canina flower oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, and seabuckthorn oil). to protect your lips, keep them moisturized and smooth, and maintain their elasticity. They are also supposed to change colour based on your individual mood and pH levels.

i bought in from in the Lioele's Counter. You can see the magic price there ahhahaahah 
it's Rp. 265.000 (23 USD)

actually, if i was not too lazy to spell the hangul,, i can read it,, but since im to lazy so i don't know how to read it bwkakakakakak 

The color indicator is in the top of the box
anyone wondering why there are 2 colors indicator there..?
it's simply because this lipstick is a color changing lipstick. it changes from green to pink

umm,, did I already mention that the packaging image is freakin' gorgeous as i said before, Lioele provides 2 packaging. Diamond and Square, but the Square attracted me a lot than the diamond one ahhahaha 
i always love Lioele's idea about the packaging. They always made it looks like a very luxurious stuff in the earth image well mostly Korean stuffs have a cute packaging. but lioele provide you a very catchy packaging

re-mention about the sentence : MIRACLE MAGIC LIPSTICK SPF 14
what does lioele means by MAGIC there..

This stuff are 7 in 1 lipsticks : a balm, gloss, tint, rouge, liner, lip treatment, sunblock

errgghhh... LIME GREEN color.. how can this lime green can change into a sweet pink color.. well.. i dont know.. and that's also my first though when i got this lipsstick.. but dont worry, you'll not gonna have a lime green lippie by wearing this lipstick.. and hell yea,, this is another MAGIC that Lioele provides.. it's color can change..

Now let's do a swatch..
3 coats


wait about 1 minutes


see.. the color got more intense image

waterproof test, no rub
tint still there, gloss still there

after i rub, it's just left only a bit the hint of pink, the balm/gloss is completely gone

i've been wear this magic lipstick for about a month and i'm very pleased with the result 
this is better from my Bubi Tint Balm. this magic lipstick does a great job as a tint, gloss and balm

what i like about this magic lipstick is, it glides smoothly in my lippie  and hell yeaaaaaa it's very creammy the balm does a good job in moisturizing, but as any other balm, it completely goes away after i rub my lippie, bad news for you who have the same habit like me ahahhaaha  The tint shows intensely a few minutes after i coat my lippie (a few times) but don't be fooled by the ads saying 12 hours long lasting because what i experience, it only stays for about 4-5 hours.. well,, it's not completely gone,, the tint just fades away and leaves my lippie with a slight hint of soft pink color (at least that's great ahahahaha  seems like my lippie is originally pink and healthy)

swatch on my lippie


as any other tint, this stuff will not mark on your glass, doesn't smudge and doesn't ruin your look (that the main reason i loooovveeeeee it) it will fade while you do your lippie activity(s) mwahahahahahaha Then the touch up will not spend so many glides as the first since there is still a hint of pink color left. And it's ABSOLUTELY grab people attention when I applied this green lipstick.. mwaahahahahahahaha..

 i use that in my Dueba Super Celeb Nudy Brown contact lens review, Here

i still have the yellow one, but i also eyeing the red ahahhahaa

Disclaimer :
this is 100% purely my experience using this stuff, you may have different result

Depth ~ Dreamie

 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie
Line : @depth_dreamie


  1. baguus banget warna warnanya kaya permen XD
    tapi pas dipake ke bibir jadi natural banget ya, cantik ^^


    1. iyaaaaaaa krn l'cret jg fungsinya sbg tint balm,, jd ada warnanya jg,, dan cuakeeeeppp bgt warnanyaaaaa ^-^ hwhehwhehhwehe~~

      thank's for reading ^-^

      Warm Regards,

  2. wkkwkwkwkwk racuunn bebs racuuuunnnn, dl bgd pas suka mampir ke counter lioele, liipstick ijo ijo sama kuning ini yg bkin ak penasaran.. wkwkkw.. cmn harga nya jg magic wuakkaka.. :3

    niceee revieeewww bebbbssssss

    xoxo Tata

    1. bwhahhahahaa... warna ijonya itu yang bikin saiyah puyenk liatnya,, abiiisss lucuuuuuuu.. aplg kalo dikonter kan dijejerin 5 warna.. haduuuuhhh.. pgn saiyah embat semua rasanyaaaaaa awkkwkakwkaw~~~ harganya magiiiccc xDD

      thankyouuuuu sayaaannggg :* **smooch..smooch*

  3. ya ampun blog mu unyu skali say XD *salah fokus
    btw baru pertama kali liat wajah aslimu :3 nice revieww~
    harganya itu lho.. ga kuat ~_~"

    1. aaahaahhaa.. makaciiiiiii.... blogku tak sebagus blogmuuuuu hhihhiii~~ masi perlu dipermak disana sini eekekekek~~ >w<

      harganya magiiicc >____< tapi memang sebanding sih ama productnya.. ehhehehe~~~

      mwakaciiiiii udah mampiiiirrrrr... hihihihhiiii~~ ^8^


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