My First Outdoor Learning in Tawangmangu

i have a new activity now  ahhahahaa doing my photography hobby and learning it deeper. This is my first outdoor hunting image learning about slow speed  YAAAAYYYY...!! i was supa excited image

On Saturday morning, we started the trip to Tawangmangu (around 1,5 hours from Solo)
our first destination was place named GRIYA TAWANG, and started to catch some picts image

Here are some photo taken by me image
since i'm still learning and this is my first time, please excuse my picts

(Shutter speed : 2", f : 22, iso : 100, WB : auto)
(Shutter speed : 2", f : 22, iso : 100, WB : cloudy)

we were lucky because the weather was cloudy, so the sun light was not so overly bright but the rain didn't fall as well image perfect day image

it takes about 1,5 hours for us to move here and there to get some photos  making our energy was drained,, so we decided to go to the restaurant to have some lunch . We went to JAWA DWIPA, still in the Tawangmangu. it's about 20 minutes from our hunting place

and here are some snaps of the restaurant

i supa dupa damn love the decoration's idea and the huge wooden glassy windows in both of side image it makes the sun brights up inside of the restaurant beautifully image

wooden and brown color everywhere image

sunlight imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

some pictures below was taken by my galaxy note 8

it's so damn cozy and the cool wind softly blow making me enjoying my relax time image

 jeeeezzzzz... i love how they put those ethnic stuffs inside image
from the back balcony we can see the huge pool down there and a supa hilarious gate shapes as an ancient temple. it was surrounded by so many trees

this is the temple-look-alike as i said before (taken from left side)

taken from the right side

this is a smaller gate beside the big one.. the high building back there is the restaurant

and that's my another new story for my history

Depth ~ Dreamie

 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie
Line : @depth_dreamie


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