Geo Nudy VS Xtra Nudy VS Super Nudy

This post is made especially for those who requested about Geo Nudy lens
There are hundreds of my customers ask me about the different between Geo Nudy, Geo Xtra Nudy and Geo Super Nudy since the first time i launched my free shipping promotion (sorry, Indonesia only) LOL

as you know that Geo has 3 different NUDY which are a bit difficult for people to spot the difference. The most different among all is the SUPER NUDY, you can easily point which one is SUPER NUDY. While XTRA NUDY and NUDY are almost similar.
Since i use to look at them everyday, it's easy for me to spot which one is the xtra nudy which one is the nudy.. ahhahhaha

okaayyy, first of all, let's take a look the 3 of them

nah, if you have 3 of them, you can easily tell which one is nudy which one is xtra nudy
can you see the different now?

nudy lens is well-known has a natural look which blends so well in your eyes. It is a 2 tones contact lens that has million dots that will make a teary look in your eyes. Also, nudy has a cute halo effect which can make your eye look like an anime

let's start the comparison

  GEO NUDY (CH 62x)

Diameter : 14,2 mm
(enlargement effect up to 14,5 mm)
Water Content : 42 %
Life Span : 12 months after opened
Color Avail : Brown, Grey, Green, Blue, Violet, Pink, Golden Blue
Minus/Power : 0-1000 (Grey, Brown, Blue), No minus (pink, green, violet, golden blue)

Geo Nudy (CH62x) has the most transparent color and the smallest diameter among all (IMHO). then, it has a minimal outer ring which is not too bold (but still darker rather than the xtra nudy). That outer ring will not give you so dolly enlargement. Geo Nudy will create a supeeerrr natural looking and not-too-dolly eye.. And don't forget about the teary eye of course.. ahhahhaha


Diameter : 15 mm
(enlargement effect up to 15,5 mm)
Water Content : 42 %
Life Span : 12 months after opened
Color Avail : Brown, Grey, Green, Blue, Black, Violet, Pink, Red
Minus/Power : 0-800 (Grey, Brown, Black), 0-500 (Blue, Pink), No minus (green, violet, red)

Geo Xtra Nudy has more brown-orange color. It's color is thicker than geo nudy which will show up more beautiful than geo nudy and of course more teary. Me myself prefer using geo xtra nudy due to it's super beautiful color which can create a super clearly brown eye color for me. More over, this has bigger diameter and enlargement. Yet, since the outer ring is not too bold, the enlargement effect is just so-so
and the most favorite thing about having a nudy lens is the HALO effect, it never fails making me falling in love with nudy lens. i love how the HALO effect can create a super cute looking eye

you can read my review about Geo Xtra Nudy Brown --> HERE


Diameter : 14,8 mm
(enlargement effect up to 16 mm)
Water Content : 42 %
Life Span : 12 months after opened
Color Avail : Brown, Grey, Green, Blue, Violet, Pink
Minus/Power : 0-800 (Grey, Brown), No minus (Blue, pink, green, violet)

Geo Super Nudy has the deepest and darkest color among all. this is the only nudy lens which will not give you any teary, shiny and HALO effect. But, it has the most bold and blackest outer ring which will create a super dolly and big eye.


geo xtra nudy create more shiny, teary and cat eye effect to me. While, geo nudy is softer and so natural. They almost has similar size





if you ask me which one is the best, well.. i love XTRA NUDY for it's color and teary effect, but i really love SUPER NUDY for it's great enlargement effect. so i'll choose 2 of them as my fave
or, is there any brand that combine the lovely color from XTRA NUDY and the big diameter from SUPER NUDY? i still look for it. Moreover, i never have a great experience using GEO, so i prefer to choose another brand.

what about you, which one is your fave?
Order :
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IG : @depth_dreamie ; @dreamiechu
Line : depth_dreamie

Depth ~ Dreamie
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthbydreamie ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
Path : Depth Dreamie


  1. Makasih buat review nya dreamie.... jadi ga pusing cari banyak review di gugel dan mikir mikir sendiri bedanya haha. Gede banget 14.8 kalo enlargement sampr 16mm. Kaga bisa sering dipake kuliah :")

    1. ahhahaha.. gelap sih dipakenya, tapi mungkin kalo terlalu gede bisa yg 14,2 mm aja ^^ warna nya juga agak gelap jadi ngga terlalu keliatan kalo dipake ^^


  2. Masih rada sanksi mau pake GEO lagi hmm. soalnya ada dapet seri yg softlensnya tebel... cape banget rasanya mata + di akunya kurang nyaman

    1. Order seri lainnya aja yang nyaman dipake ama kamu ^^



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