More Dubai Green

Last time i was reviewing about MORE DUBAI GREY. you can read my review HERE

and now this time i wanna share the look of MORE DUBAI GREEN

yeaapp.. yeaapp.. this is the box of MORE contact lens


Manufacture :MORE
Origin : Korea
Seri : Dubai

Diameter : 16 mm
Water : 48 %
Minus / Power : 0-700
Life Span : 6 months
Color Avail : Grey, Green, Brown

More Dubai Grey and Green


1. DESIGN : 8/10

this is a 3tones contact lens with a medium thickness color of the main color. Good news for you who do not love a black and bold limbal ring, It has million dots as the limbal ring so this lens will not look so "fake" in your eye. and i love this kind of pattern since it will blend with my eye color perfectly. yet,i think the Grey is more opaque rather than the green one


16 mm contact lens with almost no outer ring will not gimme a great enlargement or dolly look. But heeyyy..!! the color is quite nice. i love the green rather than the grey one..

3. COLOR : 8/10

i swear it's so hard to catch the actual color (i try my best) it looks like grey but IRL it looks like a soft tosca color which is supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr beautifuuuullll

it will noticeable as tosca in bright area or outdoor. Yet, people have to look at it closely to notice that i wear a tosca contact lens, since from far this lens appears as grey.. duuhh~

4. COMFORT : 3/10

i don't have any idea why i feel so uncomfy using more dubai grey and green. i just can use that for about 2 hours and then it starts to feel so uncomfortable. i try to remove it, but the next time i try to put this on my eyes, it just feels the same as the previous one
aiiihh.. so sad la~ maybe just my bad luck..

image Lioele Skinfix Twincake #21 Ivory Beige image (review HERE)
image Maybelline Fit Me Concealer #Sand Sable and #Medium Moyen image
image Eyeliner : Stila All Day Waterproof Eyeliner #Black image
image Eyebrow : Anastasia Beveerly Hills Dipbrow Pomade #Medium Brown image
image Contact Lens : More Dubai Green image
image Lipsense : Heartbreaker - Glossy Gloss image




some of my customers ask me the different between MORE DUBAI GREEN and EYECANDY TOSCA. They have almost the same pattern, no wonder if sometimes they ask me WHAT IS THE DIFFERENT
Lemme share a bit to you, hopefully it can help ya~

you can read about my EYECANDY TOSCA review here

MORE DUBAI GREEN has darker color than the eyecandy tosca. Yet it has bigger diameter, so it will make your eyes more dolly-look rather than the eyecandy

Eyecandy Tosca has more vibrant tosca color that will more noticeable rather than the MORE DUBAI GREEN, also it has smaller diameter that will create a sharp-looking-eye

Left eye : More Dubai Green
Right Eye : Eyecandy Tosca

nah, now you can see the different ya?
So for those who love to have bigger eye, choose MORE DUBAI GREEN
if you love more opaque color, choose EYECANDY TOSCA

It may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result
Order :
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: @depth_dreamie
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