Trip to Dubai : Day 2

Haaaaiiiii.. Good morning from Dubai

 it's 6 am here (9 am in Indonesia) i'm preparing for having a breakfast before doing my trip today

here is my corner. i love the decoration in the restaurant... please allow me to have my breakfast ya since a had a very long schedule for this day trip

i spend my nights in NOVOTEL AL BARSHA, Dubai
some pictures of the hotels are in my previous post

 and here it is, my todays outfit
sleeveless black glitter skull tee with ripped jeans and my pink crocs
 the temperature is still high, around 37-39 degree

I went to "PALM OF JUMEIRAH" in my 2nd day trip. Do you know the "Palm of jumeirah"
lemme give you the picture of it

 (picture taken from Google)

nah,, that's the PALM OF JUMEIRAH, the reclamation island which becomes the most popular island in this world nowsaday

so in my 2nd day i will go to the island, travelling in the middle of the stem. Still, i took some pictures of the skyscraper buildings along the road

these are the pictures along my way to PALM OF JUMEIRAH

if you are wondering what it the building along the way, it's an apartment. The expensive one wakkakakakakaa..
Btw, some celebrities such as Tiger woods, David Beckham, Roger Federer, etc have a residence in here. Anyone wanna be a neighbor of them? wakakakakkaka..

my first stop is in the beach and in front of ATLANTIS HOTEL, the most luxurious hotel in Dubai and the one and only hotel where you can have an underwater room
prepare your budget everyone, because it will never be so cheap.. wakkakakakaak

this is the picture of ATLANTIS HOTEL
(picture taken from Google)

so i stop here,, see the beautiful beach? unfortunately i can't cross the wall there wakakakakakkaka...

The entrance of ATLANTIS HOTEL

okay, enough taking pictures, let's continue the journey to the beach

 i also pass through the residence of Syekh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum (please correct me if i'm wrong)
this is the place where he will spend the night with his family. it's a very wide and huge place.

Emirates tower

and now, on my way to the beach, so i could take a photo of Burj Al Arab Hotel
Here is the Burj Al Arab Hotel.. it has a helipad, so if you want to spend the night there and have a private helicopter, you can land up there.. wakkakaakakkakakaa


let's take some selfies, i love my look today.. wkaakkakaakakak

behind me is the Burj Al Arab... Look at that lovely blue sky..

see my sweat? it was the first 4 minutes after i step on the beach and my sweat were running so hard as i was splashed by the water MUAAHAHHAHAHAHA
it's so damn hot.. GGEEEEEZZZZZZZ..!!!

selfie with my dad

GEEEZZZ..!! i can't stand with the temperature, i chose to go back to my bus. Wipe all my sweat (carefully) and wow helloooooo.. my eyebrow and eyeliner still there.. MUAHAHAAHHAHA
let's go to the next destination.. There're still so many places to go and i was super exciting for the schedule in the afternoon... i'll have the dessert safari tour.. i cant wait until the afternoon comes..


After visiting the beach, We are going to the old area of Dubai, named Bur Dubai. It is located in the western of Dubai creek. The difference between the old and the modern Dubai can be seen from the building. I'll show you some pictures of the building in the Bur Dubai

As you can see, the building here is more to the ancient type of building

 It's really like i'm entering an ancient area of Dubai as i often see in movie wakakaakkakak

naahh,, now i'm gonna cross the river there by the traditional ship called "abra"

it takes for about 15 minutes for me to cross the river.. 7 minutes faster rather than using a vehicle
The view is supaaaaaaaaa beautiful but unfortunately i cant take a photo of it..

aannddd.. finally we arrived in the cross of the river

but our bus hadn't arrived yet.. wahahahahhaa.. so we're gonna wait it in the bus stop since it's so hot outside. inside the bus stop is a bit cool since there's an AC. better stay inside la~

it's been 12 pm here (3 am in Indonesia) and we're about to have lunch. Today we have a lunch in Indonesian restaurant, named BETAWI aaahhhh it feels like home.. feels i'm back in my country.. Jahahahahahha

"kerupuk...!!!!" something that i miss everytime i go abroad (something like crackers) and
 "lalapan...!!" it's a few of veggie such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbages etc

tahu, tempe dan traditional fried chicken

"sambel ulek.." wakakakakakkakaka.. it feels like home

after enjoying our fave lunch, now me must back to the hotel for preparing desert safari experience
Dubai is the only place in this world which has Desert safari for trip..

 on my way back, i still took some photos of the Skyscraper building in Dubai..


arrived at the hotel and ruuussshhhhhh... not really actually.. mwahhahahaha..
just change my crocs into my boots

owyeaaahhh this is my look.. now i'm ready for Desert Safariiiii....

before we started to experience the down bashing.. hhoohhohohhoo
i'm supeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrr excited

in the middle of down bashing, waiting the other driver to fix his car.. then we'll go to the camp for having dinner, watching belly dance, fire dance and one more dance (i forget the name #slapped)
i couldn't take any  picture since it already past 6 PM, it's already dark

i got heena in the camp.. hohohohohoo

while watching the dance (belly dance, fire dance and one more), we're also having dinner in the camp. Then we go back to the hotel to get some rest for another looooooonnnggggg day in the next day..

so this is for the 2nd day.. and hell yeaaaaa.. i wanna take some rest.. so exhausted and sleepy as hell

Depth ~ Dreamie
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthbydreamie ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
Path : Depth Dreamie


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