Lipsense Melon Ice : Different?

apparently lipsense also has some issues of different color. i found that my 1st and 2nd batch of my melon ice lipsense have a slightly different color

the 1st batch is more deep orange, while the 2nd batch is more pastel orange

the 2nd batch look more lovely i guess.. ahahhahahhaa

anyone have the same things as mine?
which one do you prefer? the 1st batch or the 2nd one?

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Depth ~ Dreamie
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthbydreamie ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
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Path : Depth Dreamie


  1. Yes, I have had the same problem!!! My distributor has emailed then and they don't respond. My FAVORITE color, Mauve Ice, is the same way. The first one I ordered over two years ago was BEAUTIFUL!! Now, it is like a gray frost--not beautiful at all. My distributor has also noticed a difference with Napa and Caramel Apple, and possibly some others. I even contacted Senegence about this, and they said they were aware of it and were trying to fix it. Not a happy customer right now!

    1. My distributors said it is a common thing when some batch has a bit different color since it might be because of the flower as their main ingredients.. but the difference quite surprising thou T^T


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