Another breaking heart new comes form URBAN DECAY NAKED SMOKY palette
i found this FAKE NAKED SMOKY when i was ordering some palettes and I just realized that the smoky palette is a bit different from the other. After Googling for a comparison between the fake and original naked smoky, i came to conclusion that one of my palette was the fake one

i just wanna post this and hope when someone looks for any comparison between the fake and original one, they will find mine through Google and maybe this post can help them

first of all, if you get your naked smoky, please check the entire product carefully and try to find if there're some errors

nah, the NAKED SMOKY that i got has different color on the card box. The fake NAKED SMOKY tends to be more reddish-brown while the ORI one tends to be more beige
but this little fact will not help you if you don't have any original product to compare

from the back box, you'll see the different color as well, and as usual, different fonts

 now let's take a look on the side

the original NAKED SMOKY has a code which will be printed as well in the NAKED SMOKY's packaging (you'll gonna see that later)

from the NAKED SMOKY's packaging, you'll see a very different color as seen in the pricture

from the back packaging, you can see that the fake one is more see-through and pale than the original palette

also, they have the different eyeshadow pan. The fake one tends to have more concave, not as flawless as the Original one

and yap,, there's the same code printed in the back of the palette with the code on the card box as i mentioned before. lemme take the closer photo of it

the fake one also has the code printed in the back, but this code is not printed in the card box


now let's see the different of the eyeshadow
GEEEEEEZZZZZ...!!! how beautiful these palettes.. as you can see that the original has more deep color than the fake one

 in the FAKE palette, you'll see a lots of magnet inside the packaging
the ORIGINAL one just has 2 magnet inside the packaging

the Fake's palette mirror can't stand 90 degree, it tends to fall

the original's mirror palette can stand 90 degree as it's shown in the picture (as you can see that my hand not trying to hold it)

both comes with brush as any others naked eyeshadow, yet i found that the NAKED SMOKY has the most luxurious brush compared to previous. But there's a difference of them

fake : not transparent
Ori : it has a wood texture and transparent

Fake : more chubby and bigger
Ori : More slim and a bit round pointed

how i'm supposed to explain that -____-" i hope you can see it from the picture ya

and as usual, the brush has 2 color brown and white. Yet, the fake one has deep brown color and has a white bristle. The Original one has more pale brown color which fades more and more to the edge

this also happen to the other side brush

and i also weighed those palettes and as usual, the fake palette is lighter than the original one
yes..!! FAKE palette tends to be lighter than the original one (especially NAKED)

so as the conclusion, if you NAKED SMOKY eyeshadow is has the code near the bar which will be the same code printed in the back of the packaging and has a very luxurious brush, then it's the ORIGINAL one, you can sit back and relax.. take many photos, use that for hundreds of tutorials and looks

and for additional information, not as the other NAKED 1/2/3, NAKED SMOKY doesn't include UDPP sample card

so my dear, please be very careful with the stuffs you bought with a very nonsense price.. it can be fake
Don't you feel so cheated and deceived when you buy something fake, since it definitely goes beyond the amount of money you have spent/lost?
  if you dont have the budget to buy the ORIGINAL URBAN DECAY NAKED SMOKY (since the price is.... yeaaaa... over priced), you can choose from other brands which have shade just as same as the URBAN DECAY NAKED SMOKY. You can buy COASTAL SCENTS SMOKY which almost has the same color. It is better to buy DUPES instead of FAKE . Do not take risk just to buy something which highly over your budget
Why you have to buy something that you cant use? just to show off? what so amazing about show off using a fake product?

I hope this little guide can help you in spotting those pesky fakes that are circulating across marketplace websites helps stop the sale of these terrible copies. You deserve to have an incredible and freaky amazing liquid lipstick which worth every single penny that you spent dear

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 : www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthalcyon ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
Line@ : @HXN9500o
Path : Depth Dreamie


  1. Thanks .Now you've just shown sellers what to Watchout for without having to do any work

  2. Thank you so much for this post! You just saved me from buying a fairly convincing fake. The price seemed to good to be true, so I checked everything you listed and caught a mistake in the placement of the code.


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