Dream Caramel Grey

Errrr... i think it's been a long time i had a grey contact lens as my daily contact lens since i feel that grey colour is not my color.. i dunno, but i feel so strange to look into myself in the mirror with a grey eyes. Yet, i was so jealous with them who have a very stunning grey eyes
Nah, last week, there was a new contact lens came in my warehouse, so.. lucky me to be a seller wuakakakakakakakakkakaka
Anyway, this is my 2nd review on Dream contact lens, my first was DREAM SECRET FLOWER BROWN, if you have spare time,, you can check my review >>> HERE

Diameter : 14,5 mm
Water Content : 40 %
Life Span : 6 months
Color Avail : Grey, Brown
Power/Prescription : 0-7.00


1. DESIGN : 9/10

 it's 3 tones...!!!!!Deco-mail pictograms (no title) GEEEEZZZZZZ... i cant say no to 3 tones contact lens.. they are too tempting

 it's a very simple and general 3 tones contact lens with a hazel dots around the middle of the contact lens and grey color (why i see it so transparent >_<") as it's main color and not too thick and bold outer ring. i really love this kinda design since it will appear so natural in my eyes and the hazel dots will make my eyes look sharper


nah 14,5 mm contact lens with not too thick and bold outer ring will not gimme a very dramatic dolly look, but yeaaappp at least it enlarges my eyes bigger than my bare eye, and still change my look.. never mind, i still love this Dream Caramel hohohhohhoooo~ Deco-mail pictograms of HeartDeco-mail pictograms of HeartDeco-mail pictograms of Heart

aaaahhhh.. the grey color is beautifuuuuullllll

  3. COLOR : 7/10

 This Dream Caramel reminds me of Dueba Puffy Grey. It almost has the same look ya.. Moreover, this lens looks so natural yet stunning (or maybe since i never had a grey lens like this.. LOL) actually, i expect a deep grey color, but... wakkakaakakakakak.. i guess my eyes and my brain not allowing me to choose a deep grey color bahahahahahahahah so i end up with picking this lens

Nah, thou, it's not too grey enough to turn my face into a lizard look, yet, it's also not too deep enough wakkaakkakakka.. yeaaaaaa.. at least you can notice me wearing a grey contact lens..

 4. COMFORT : 9/10

Another great lens to be my daily lens as it also has a great comfort level which can fit in my sensitive eyes. Yeap, this lens' comfort level is hilarious as well as Dueba contact lens. i can wear this Dream lens up to 8 hours without dryness, redness, stingy feeling, itchy or blurry vision. Great isn't it?





image Lioele Skinfix Twincake #21 Ivory Beige image (review HERE)
image Mac Pro Longwear Concealer #NC25 image
image Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer #Light image
image Eyeliner : MAD liquid eyeliner #Pandoraimage
imageEyebrow : MAD Indelible gel brow #Red Head image
image Contact Lens : Dream Caramel Grey image
imageLipsense : Party Pink - Pink Ice - Glossy Gloss image

if you are looking for another option for grey contact lens, i think you should try this stunning lens..!! Also, this lens is great for those who love eye make up and wanna have stunning eyes
still re-think to try on this lens?

i think i'll have the brown for my next review ^^ so please stay tune yaaaaa

It may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result
Order :
FB : Dreamie Chuppa (www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa)
IG : @depth_dreamie ; @dreamiechu
Line@ : @HXN9500o

Depth ~ Dreamie
 : www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa
: @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthalcyon ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
 Line@ : @HXN9500o
Path : Depth Dreamie


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