Dreamie's Trip to Italy : Day 1


This time i wanna share some stories about my last trip.. yeap so last time i was off for a while from my routine activity since i had another trip. I was so excited when my visa to Italy was released
OMG...!! another my dream comes true for this year.. i'm so grateful and amazed with my God's grace

4 May 2016
i woke up early in the morning since i had to catch my plane to Jakarta at 9 a.m

 in the lounge waiting my flight to Jakarta

my first ticket.. Jakarta - Abu Dhabi
this is my 2nd time to Abu Dhabi, but this time i just come to transit so i think i will not have too many photos there

nah, this is my connecting flight, ABU DHABI-MILAN
geeeezzzzzz... i was soooooo extremely excited.. 

after waiting for 4 hours in the Soekarno Hatta Airport, we were told that my flight was canceled due to the turbulence that injured so many people

The accident happened exactly the flight before mine, flight EY474. The flight that flying from Abu Dhabi to Jakarta. The plane that i'll use for my flight to Abu Dhabi (flight EY475). Since the condition was too dangerous, The Etihad cancelled the flight for that nite and  i had to spend my first day in Jakarta
 (you can check the news in Google)

5 May 2016
i woke up extremely early in the morning since i had to take care of the cancellation procedure yesterday, we were supposed to flight in the evening. Fortunately, my tour agent was the one who took care of everything, so i no need to be very busy with this and that..

see you in Abu Dhabi 

 HELLLOOOOOO....!!!! im in the Abu Dhabi duty free right now
after 9 hours flight, finally i stepped my feet again in Abu Dhabi airport
please allow my sleepy face

 we'll be here only 3 hours to wait for my flight to Milan.. i was soooooooooo impatient to be in Milan, one of my fave city since it is the fashion city after Paris and it has soooooo many beautiful places
also, Milan is popular with the handsome guy and beautiful girls LOL #cough #plak #slapped

 the schedule.. see my flight there? to Milan.. hoohohohhooo

 i found a giant CHUPA CUPS.... UwU


i'll have my another 9 hours flight from Abu Dhabi to Milan

i woke up in the middle of my flight, cant sleep for a couple of hours.. i bet because in Indonesia is already in the morning.....

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY....!!!!!! finally im hereeeeeee..!!! in Milaaaaannnnnn...
WWOOOOOAAAAAAAAAA... i still cant believe my eyes.. i still cant believe that im in Milan
OMG i was totally excited and happy to the max.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....!!! 

 outside the airport, waiting for my bus to come

first destination..?? to SAN SIRO, visiting the SAN SIRO STADIUM...!!
OMG..!!!! the place that i only can see from TV for so long..... GEEEEEZZZZZZ.. i'lll go in that placeeeeee

i'll share some picture of the road, high way and traffic in Milan ya

 it took me for about 45 minutes to San Siro, and i could not wait to be there...!!!

closer.. closer.. closer.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...!!! im so damn excited..!!

AAAAAHHHHH.... i can see yoooooouuuuuu finally...

since it so early in the morning and no one has practice for today and also there's no match, so i just can take a photo from the outside. doesn't matter,, at least i ever be here

next destination, was going to DUOMO MILAN, visiting the Duomo Cathedral

 picture taken from Google

i always love European architecture style, they always look sophisticated and stunning

behind me is such a shopping area that connects the front yard to the Duomo Cathedral. Yet is has soooooooooooo luxurious and WOOOOOAAAAAAAA architecture

picture taken from Google

 picture taken from Google
 i'll show you the picture from my camera


 holy crab..!!!

and i see GELATO  everywhereeeeee...

 let's try one..!!

now, let's go out to the Duomo Cathedral
picture taken from Google

this is the picture from across the entrance there, it's so damn beautifuuullll

 The Cathedral

yuhuuuuu... birdie.. birdie.. LOL

Souvenir stall

and we decided to enter the cafe to look around and maybe there's something to buy
 jumbo size for my stomach wkawkawkkakwkw

looks yummmmyyyy
i dunno what it is, but it looks cuteeeeee 

Duomo Cathedral from the cafe

after visiting Duomo, we will have our lunch

HEREEEEEE... hohoohhohooo.. all you can eat..!!! YEAAAASSSSHHH

Fresh squid, shrimp and salmon is absolutely my fave...!!! i can eat them all wkakwkkkwakwkaw

 pizza margarita



squid.. squid.. squid..

yummmyyy snaaaiiilllllll
after had a lunch, i'd go to the shoes shop. On the way to there, i saw a very interesting builing

i asked the tour guide, and he answered that is the train station, named MILANO CENTRAL STATION
asdfghjkldskhfjkdshafjskah....!!! GEEEEEEEZZZZZZ..!! it was coooooooolllll
i wish in my country has 1 train station like this wkakwkakwkwkakwkaw
 picture taken from Google

since, i was just at the bus and passed through it, so i just have a few photos of it

arrived at the shoe shops. Btw, as you know that Italy produces a very great leather that can be used for shoes, jacket or even bag.. so make sure when you're here, you buy some since the price is insanely cheap and the quality is great..!!

and dont forget to take some selfies as well.. hueheuheuehuehuheue

i saw a gelato shop across the street, so i decided to go there and hell yeaaaaaaaaa... i bought another

after finished the shopping time in shoes shop and had 4 hours on the way, we had dinner in Venice

DINNER...?? it doesn't look night already, the sun is still there, it hasn't dark yet..
actually it's already 19.00 here, but the day is longer than the night, so yeaaaa 19.00 here looks like 15.00 in my country

see.. it is 20.14 and it hasn't dark yet.. i was on my way to my hotel

Double Tree Hotel by Hilton
i was shocked since i thought that i see the Superman here.. WUAKAKAKAKKAKAKA
unfortunately i didn't take any picture of him,, but i sweeeaaaarrrrr...!!!!! the receptionist is like BRANDON ROUTH...... MUAAAHAHAHAHAHA...

i'm going to bed now.. it's been 21.00 here (means 3 am in the next morning in my country,, my normal bedtime... but abnormal bedtime for other ahahhaahhaa)
i will share the picture of this hotel in the other post ya...

Nite everyone


Depth ~ Dreamie
 : www.facebook.com/dreamie.chuppa
 : @depth_dreamie
 Instagram : @depth_dreamie ; @depthalcyon ; @dreamiechu
 Line : depth_dreamie
 Line@ : @HXN9500o
Path : Depth Dreamie


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