Learning Indonesian part 2

this time,,i'll talk about the personal pronoun in Indonesia

I - saya (formal) / aku (informal)
You - Anda (formal) / kamu (informal) ; kalian (plural)
We - kami ; kita
They - mereka
He - dia
She - dia

example :
1. I am a student = saya/aku (adalah) seorang pelajar.

 Note : how to use "saya" and "aku"
The rule is pretty simple
'saya' is use when talking to elderly people, at work/school, business, in public, when talking to strangers, and some other formal situations.
'aku' is use when talking to your friends (close), and some other informal situations.
Important note:
- Old people, married people, business men/women, etc always call themselves 'saya' instead of 'aku' due to politeness. They also NEVER address people with 'kamu'. They always address with Bapak, Ibu, Saudara/i, and can be followed by the persons' names.
- Young people can call themselves with 'saya' or 'aku', while the rules of politeness apply, as mentioned above.

my ...- ...ku
your ...-....mu
our ... - ...kita/kami
their ... - ...mereka
his... / her ... - ....nya

example :
my book - bukuku

ummm...i'll add some note about how to addressing a person in Indonesia

Mr - Bapak / Pak
Mrs - Ibu / Bu
Miss - Nona (Formal but not particularly use,,generally you address MBAK or just the name only)

Well, in Indonesian culture, people prefer to address each other with their names or Mr/Mrs/Miss. It is to respect other people. But sometimes in informal situation, e.g with classmates, Indonesians can address others with 'kamu'.

When addressing elder people, Indonesians NEVER use 'kamu', but Indonesians also seldom address with Anda. Indonesians usually address with 'Bapak' or 'Ibu' or 'Saudara/i'. Sometimes it is followed with the person's name. For example, Bapak Budi.
Do NOT address these people with 'kamu':
-         Any member of your family. I mean, ANY. Even your little sister.
-         Your teachers, even if they are younger than you.
-         Your schoolmates that are in grades higher than you, e.g. you're in Grade 10th, so you shouldn't address the 11th Graders with 'kamu'.
-         Your colleagues
-         Any persons in your business life.
-         Any elder people you know or you meet.
-         Strangers.

You should address these people with 'Bapak' or 'Ibu' (can be followed with their names):
-         Your teachers
-         Any persons in your business life.
-         Any elder people you know or you meet.

 Addressing in family:
Indonesians prefer to address their family members with their status, example:
Father - Bapak / Ayah / Papa
Mother - Ibu / Bunda / Mama
Elder Sister/ Brother - Kaka
Younger Sister / Brother - Adik
Grandmother - Nenek
Grandfather - Kakek
Your parents' brother/ Uncle - Paman / Om
Your parents' sister / Aunt - Bibi/Tante

When addressing cousins, Indonesians tend to use 'kamu' or their names instead or if he/she is older than you Indonesians tend t o use "kakak
You address your Nephew or Niece just their name,,they will call you PAMAN or BIBI
you address some one (young) you dont know with MBAK (female) or MAS (male)  and for older people with BAPAK (male) or IBU (female)

okaayy,,now i give u some examples
my brother is a soldier - kakakku (adalah) seorang tentara
close your eyes - tutup mata kalian

or want to try your Indonesian?
leave comment or email me ^^


  1. Thanks for the tips. Learning Indonesian is easy and fun to learn especially if you have friends with you.


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