My Jar Rainbow Cake

Lately in Indonesia, the rainbow cake are booming every where /wahaha *fufufufufuu
in metropolitan city such as Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, or other big cities the wave of this rainbow cake was used by people to earn money
but,,in some small cities,,this rainbow cake also everywhere
people start from kids until adult look for this cake

nowadays it is easily find in any cake can order it just a slice or a whole cake
if previous time,,a birthday tart was made from a 2-color sponge cake with cream and many decorations or a black forest, nowadays this rainbow cake also can be another option for a birthday cake

for you who dont know rainbow cake,,let me give you the picture
i took it from google you know why it is called rainbow cake..??

it is because the colour gradation looks like a rainbow
red in the 1st line, orange in the 2nd line, yellow in the 3rd line, green in the 4th line, blue in the next line and violet in the last line

beautiful rite?

i got the explanation from some sources that this rainbow cake is actually a sponge cake which have 6 layers in different color every layers
every colors have each flavors..for example RED = strawberry, ORANGE = orange, other colors will be given other flavor as well :D
In case to make it more delicious, they not give the essence too much
yeaaaaaa....i guess if you eat a very sweet'll not be able to eat the whole cake because you will feel sick
the white cream which divides every layers also a not-too-sweet butter cream (sometimes they make it cheese cream,,which make this cake more delicious /XD )
 the outer layer is icing,,can be garnished with a colorful lil candy sand (indo = permen pasir) make it more attractive rite?

me myself not too interested to buy this cake..
i just too scary to look at the color there..aaahahahaha /XD

but,,today my sister gave me a rainbow cake in jar..kinda cuteeeeee ♥
usually u just buy it a slice,,wrap in a transparent plastic or just put in a cake box
but this rainbow cake is in a jar
aiyhoooooooooooo~ cuteeeee laaaaa~

here is some of the pictures of my rainbow cake
look so yuuuuummmmmmyyyyyyyy

this is the inside part

pretty, rite?

about the's totally delicious
not too sweet (i like it...) the cheese cream is ultraaaaaaa yuuuuummy
the cake is ultraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sooooooofffffftttttttt
the flavor of each color..ummmm...i dont remember...akowaokwokwaokwaok
i just remember that it is sweet

for my sistaaaaaaa...if u read this blog
thank's my loooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeeee~
u change my today into a beautiful rainbow day
luv youuuuuu sooooooooo~
 >:D< >:D< :x :x

you're the best..!!

thank's for passing by

Depth ~ Dreamie


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