Share The Love in "Rumah Singgah" Ibu Martha

Hi there...
this months is my online shop 3rd anniversary and instead of giving discount (as i usually do in previous anniversaries) i prefer to share love with the people who dont have a well life as ours
so i started to share the news to my friends..and they were seem sooooooo excited
first,,i looked for an orphanage as my target :D but then i heard a news that there is a halfway house (indonesian = rumah singgah) in my town...
Generally,,an orphanage has their regular donator,,while a halfway house is not an official one..not so many people know it..
so i thought,,why not give the present to this halfway house..i guess they need it more

so after i looked for the owner, i made an appointment with her, Ibu Martha, she works as a Kitchener in a SMA LAB school canteen (one of famous school in Salatiga (central java))
She is so nice, lovely, kind, friendly and humorist...aahahahahah
it so nice to talked with her,,so when i talked about my plan
She was soooooooo thankful, excited and happy
so i made a plan to do a survey to her place :D
she told me that primary they needed groceries for support their everyday life,,and the other things are stationary,,because the kids will start their new class year

here is some picture when i visited her house
 this is the owner
 Bp. Daniel and Ibu Martha

this is the picture of the people who Ibu Martha cared for
actually there are 17 people she cared for..but when i did a survey not all of them were in the house :D

a lil story about this big family
consist of 13 people of kids and teenagers
and 4 adult people
Not all of them are an orphan..some of them still have parents but most in critical economical condition :(
(i compare to my life,,how im so lucky :( )
in that house,,there a person who depressed and became a bit autism..he didn't recognize people except the member in that house
also, there are 2 new members, their parents had just died :(
ahh..there are a family (1 mother, 4 kids) live there as well

but the great thing is,,,though she is only a Kitchener in a canteen, she can support all the member in the house, she can send them in a good school (not just a cheap school with no qualification)
about the house..she rent the house for several years and she planned to moved after the rent is over..
How God works so great..!!
believe it or not..God loves every single person in this world
i was so amazed..!! ♥
i just cant stop thinking,,how it could be..!!

theeeeeeeeeeennnnn,,after talking with some of my friends,,they agreed to give all the donation to this halfway house
a.s.a.p i post the news in my facebook,and it received good responds
i decided to collect the help for only two weeks :D
im not force everyone to help....i just open my hand for those who wanna help

Honestly,,after listing all the things i needed (the list was sooooooooooooo many),,i was a bit worried that i couldn't buy all of them
but,,some of my friends gave their second clothes and gave some stationary,,i also got some donations from my customers myself,,dont even mind about how much donation i will get.. i believed God will take care of it
i wanna do a good things for my "brothers and sisters",,He will help with His way
 and i was shocked /shock when i close the day of collecting..honestly,,not so much i got
but with the donation i could buy groceries such as rice, oil, sugar, salt, soy sauce, milk, cereal, etc and stationary such as pen, pencil, books, etc
i could buy each of them completely,,even more amount than on my list (ex..first i just planned to buy 1sack of rice (25 kg) the last day i could buy 2 sack of it) /omg
..and,,it still got some left.. /omg

How great He is..!!

here some of the pictures of the gifts

after packing the groceries, packing the clothes,,,still packing the presents (stationary)
 but it was really fun..

then came a parcel from my friend

totally i was so confused to spend the donation..because i dont wanna use it even just for a single penny of it
i've bought groceries,,there is still donation left,, i added some stationary for them..donation still left
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!!i was so confused the last day (today),,in the last couple of hours, i decided to buy snacks for them use all of the donation left

Here is the snacks....i bought all of them in the cake shop display..wkawkawkawkawkawk /XD

looks soooooooooooooo yummy *Q*

and now..prepariiinnnggg to give all the things i've collected to them

do you know what i feel..??
i wanna cry :'D joyful cry...i never want something in return of doing this..i'm just so overly happy to see their face
their happiness is more than enough for returns everything

and you know what?i never feel as happy as like this before
it can't tell by words..

thank's for everyone who help and participate in my event
i cant do all this alone..but i can do all this by your help....directly or indirectly

today is another memories for me
at least,,i can do a nice things to my "brothers and sisters"
and it feels really nice

thank's for passing by
Depth ~ Dreamie



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