Happy New Year 2013

Another post..??!! O_o
guess i'm over diligent this month... HAHAHAHA..
 \(‾▿‾\) \(´▽`)/ (/‾▿‾)

As another year comes to an end, I wanna say.......


Happy New Year 2013

let's write our next 365 days with billion new memories
beautiful and sweet memories :)

Wishing you a year full of good luck, prosperity, health, love and all the best things ヾ(´^ω^)ノ♪

♥ May every day of the new year glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family ♥

I wanna thank all of you for following, commenting, reading and visiting during last year
To be honest, i'm still a newbie in blogging world, but it's truly such a big honor to know when i write something, thousand of people are going to read

okaaaiiii...!!! enough with the serious things

if you plan to have a party tonight, please,, please,, pleaseeee BE CAREFUL
usually, the traffic will be very crowded

and,, if you are planning to set a firework, it's better to set the sound of the firework in silent mode or just vibrate it

Depth ~ Dreamie


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