Eos Neon Sign 4Tones Brown

feel like it was yesterday i just opened my Fynale Absolute Ms Angel Pink  and this week i already opened another one ahhahahaa http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif sorry...... but they are too cute  to be a contact lens wkakakakakak  this is the latest series of EOS lens which made me supa dupa curious especially when i read the word "4tones" aakakakkaa http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif you know laaa~~ that ima big fans of 3tones lens but when i heard about 4tones and it's provided by EOS,, i can't hold my hand not to grab one wakkakakaakaa  #slap 

Brand : EOS
Seri : Neon Sign 4 Tones
Color : Brown

Diameter : 14,5 mm
Water Content : 52%
B.C : 8.6
Disposable : 1 year

1. DESIGN : 9/10
a minimal outer ring lens comes with 4 colors : black, blue, yellow and brown comes from the outer to the center of. it's unique combination color makes me can't stop admire them 

so pretty..imageimageimageimageimage

since it's dominated by dark color, so i guess it will have a dark result as well when i'm wearing them, but.. i won't know the result if i just stare at them rite? aakakakakak  so.. lemme wearing them #i'm so excited imageimageimage

2. ENLARGEMENT : 6,5/10
my dark eye ball is (maybe) about 14,2 mm (i'm not sure, but some say i have a bigger dark eye ball) and this contact lens sizes 14,5 mm,, which means it will only enlarge 0,3 mm 
and as usual, 14,5 mm contact lens with minimal outer ring will not give you any visible enlargement effect, they tend to give you a natural look image but somehow i think this enlargement is fit into my look image yeaaaaaaa i guess it will kinda freakin scary if you have this design with huge enlargement hahhhahahaa http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif
moreover, i don't expect much from the enlargement 

3. COLOR : 8/10
this is the main reason why i grab them..they are 4 TONEEESSS BEIBEEEHHH..
(umm  i guess, my PANDORA also 4tones lens, am i rite?)
and this is my 2nd brown lens as i remember , after my Super Barbie Hybrid Brown (i seldom took a brown color, fyi)

errr  yaaapppzzz they are 4 tones contact lens, but when meets my dark eye, they just become 3 tones : black, blue and yellow, the brown color is completely disappear 

 these EOS NEON lens are just extremely lovely and unique but sort of natural 
they don't gimme a freaky or strange look, moreover they aren't too vibrant which is good because they blend nicely in my dark eyes, creating a very unique color combination 

and when i'm in outdoor, they are shiny so pretty  The color shows up so freakin beautiful as i have something sparkly in my eyes  it really gimme a fresh natural unique looking eyes 

4. COMFORT : 9,5/10
as usual, i have no complain about EOS's comfort image it's extremely comfort though i have lack of sleep the night before i wore this lens image no itchy or redness or dryness issue image

Repurchase image i would like to try the blue or pink http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m8oks42sfY1qid2nw_zps32642cc9.gif?t=1368979444 wakkwkakwkakwk http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif

Bonus Picts :
TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....imageimageimage  haahahaha http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif

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it may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is 100% purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result

Depth ~ Dreamie


  1. Woaaaa.. Thanks dear..!! ^o^ glad to know it... i'll check out the web later, dear ^^
    Thank's for reading ^o^

    Warm Regards,
    Depth - Dreamie


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