Fynale Absolute - Ms Angel Pink

i've been eyeing this contact lens for the first time i read Ekiblog, she wore other brand but in the same design n color, so when Fynale launched this rare color for this design it's really really grabbed my attention image, this (same design n color) lens seemed so nice at her  will it be nice looking as well in me.. i dont think so ahhahahah 
but still i really wanna have one pair of this angel pink, so when i found that Fynale has it,, i grabbed it as soon as possible  hahaahahhaa 

honestly, Fynale has many pretty designs, i really love the old designs but they said that they will concentrate on the new one  so sad i haven't purchased some old Fynale lens that i love  This series (Fynale Absolute) also discontinue already  they put their full attention to Fynale Classic 14,8mm which is more WOWimage

Brand : Fynale
Seri : Absolute - Ms Angel
Color : Pink

Diameter : 16mm
Water Content : 38%
B.C : 8.6
Disposable : 1 year

 it comes in vial/bottle with a pink base label and black and gold writing
simple yet luxurious 

all vial packaging will have this kind of seal,, seems so complicated and a bit dangerous ya well,, at least i know that there's no one else opened this seal before me.. hohohohoho 

be very careful when opening this kind of seal image it's very sharp metal can cut your finger easily  i suggest you to use tools in order to avoid your finger from being cut 
now,, let's take a look on the lens 

the pink color is so lovely 


1. DESIGN : 6/10
it just a very simple 2 tones contact lens with a bit thick outer ring 
we can easily find this design in some contact lens' brand image some say they love this design so much because it gives them a natural look and the (a bit) thick limbal ring creates a bigger and dolly look for their eyes image

i feel so-so about the design  not my fave actually but i saw so many girls are pretty with this design  so i wannabe pretty as well laaaa~~ #slap  wkawkkawkakkw 

the lens itself is a bit thick when i touch it, even thicker than my dueba 
while the old Fynale is much more thinner than the new one 

good thinghttp://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m2zu2shdjq1qid2nw_zps409441aa.gif?t=1368979394 it will not flip so easily in your hand, so you'll find no difficulty to move it onto your eyes  hope it will go comfy in my eyes as the old one ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy

2. ENLARGEMENT : 7,5/10

as you can see  though it's 16 mm contact lens and even it has a bit thick limbal ring, but i don't feel like i'm using 16 mm contact lens and have a visible enlargement but yaaaa,, it makes my eyes a bit bigger ãƒ‡ã‚³ãƒ¡ of emoticons (* / â–¡ \ *) cute girl and boy

now let's proceed into the first reason why i pick this lens

3. COLOR : 8/10

lately i love wearing an inhuman color bahahaha http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif because it really gimme a different look image
FYI contact lens can be used as an instant make up, and YES i do feel it hahahhhaaaa http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif
color such as brown or grey (especially dark color) will not give any change into my look image they tend to give me a natural look (though vibrant grey is kinda husky or vampy or scary or what you name it la)
but inhuman color will definitely change my overall look image

back to this lens, the pink color is not so vibrant as i wish, it seems i use a vibrant grey (or a very soft pink) from a far, the color shows up beautifully in a bright place (outdoor) and if you look at it very closely image

4. COMFORT : 9,5/10
though it's a bit thick, but i found it's so supa dupa ultra incredibly comfy http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2rtjkps1qcfn0j.gif
REALLY..image i swear.. i was amazed by the comfy of Fynale http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/decootomedojo2487.gif i need around 20 seconds adjustment and some blinks to adjust it's thickness, but after that i barely feel the lens is there anymore http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m8oks42sfY1qid2nw_zps32642cc9.gif?t=1368979444
no dryness issue as well, i use this pink contact lens for 8 hours in AC room without an eye drop
it's incredibly comfy.. also no redness or stingy or itchy feeling http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m8oks42sfY1qid2nw_zps32642cc9.gif?t=1368979444

Absolutely YES, but another series i guess image
i wanna try the new one, the supplier said that they do a colaboration with vassen http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m8oks42sfY1qid2nw_zps32642cc9.gif?t=1368979444
well,, as i know that vassen comfy is as incredible as fynale's
so i bet i'll make another purchase in short time wakkwkakwkakwk http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_lyx2s7bA9e1qcfn0j.gif
i already eyeing some series #slap 

it may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result

Depth ~ Dreamie


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