Geo Eyescream (preview)

Lately Geo had launched their new series  named EYESCREAM which got a lot of attention from Geo lovers, it's name was sooooo unique, it has similar sound when you said ICE CREAM

if the previous mimi cafe series had the same design as it's named (waffle, cappucinno, etc), will this series also bring the idea along with the design i have no idea

This is the Ads for Geo Eyescream Series
there are 3 variants from this series
- Choco Mousse (make your eyes clearly and beautifully with dark brown color)
- Rayray Gray (makes your eyes bling bling and cool with light grey of 3tones lens)
- Vanilla Brown (makes you lovely and cute)

Honestly i'm not a big fan of Geo lens products due to my eye sensitivity to this products  but found these lenses made me supaaaaaaaaa curious to have them  ahahahahaha 
let's start the preview

on the top of the seal you will have the series (eyescream), the color (choco mousse/rayray gray/vanilla brown), and the power of the lens 

the design's label is very cute and so much different from the other geo labels
more catchy with it's bright yellow base label

information about expired date, base curve and diameter are printed on the label

different from the other series, this eyescream has only 40% water content

Diameter : 14.5mm

Base Curve : 8.70mm
Water Content : 38~42%
Life Span : 12 months after bottle opened
Power Available : 0.00 to -8.00


(ignore my shop's watermark, i'm too lazy to remove it akwkakwkakw #slap )

3 tones contact lens with a bit yellow-orange hint in middle of pupil hole, followed by a bit transparent grey and a thin soft black outer ring
it's design reminds me of my i.fairy keizen grey but rayray gray has more harsh pattern

the thin soft black outer ring will create a very natural looking eye
this typical grey color will show up beautifully and so natural in your eyes without making a creepy look

another grey lens you should try 


(ignore my shop's watermark, i'm too lazy to remove it akwkakwkakw #slap )

i love this design and color for the most  (Note : i dislike to have a dark color contact lens)

it reminds me of geo princess mimi starmish brown, but in softer version ahahhhaa 

it has an orange inner part followed by less orange and ended by a soft black outer ring
though, this vanilla brown will not so opaque *IMO* 


(ignore my shop's watermark, i'm too lazy to remove it akwkakwkakw #slap )

the choco mousse is the best seller one among the other colors 
well, it reminds me of geo grang2 big choco but with a thin dark choco outer ring

this kind of design will absolutely blend so perfectly in dark eyes (most Asian have dark eyes)

this lens is suitable for you who love a very natural brown eyes and dislike a vibrant color contact lens

hoping my preview is usefull for yaaaa~~ 

which one is your fave..

Depth ~ Dreamie

 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
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