I.Fairy Ruby Green

it feels a bit long not take care of my lately i was so busy doing my moving back and adaptation in a new place, new work, new friends, new working hours
and it's so hard to get a very nice internet connection, so i can't do online as often as my previous time
please excuse, i will not be able to as often as before updating my 

and before i start my blog, please excuse me to scream............
DAAAAAAMMMMMNNNNN....imageimageimageimageimageimageimage i sweaaarrr it's so hard to ignore this lens temptation  my plan to not open any contact lens in last month was totally destroyed by this lens, actually i've opened a lot eh 
actually this contact lens already was in my treasure lens box (wakkakakka) for a few months, then i thought to sell them to anybody else  but it's color failed me to let them go 

Brand : I.Fairy
Seri : Ruby
Color : Green

Diameter : 16,2 mm
Water Content : 55%
B.C : 8.6
Disposable : 1 year

other series, click HERE

this is my 2nd i.fairy after my keizen violet
look at the green http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/149_d.gif Wooaaaaaa... i can't stop admiring them image


 so yummy green 


this is seal is so tight and hard to open  i failed to open both and it made my nails tore apart
luckily it doesn't cut my fingers,
well.. that made me more sure that nobody ever opened this vials before me image


1. DESIGN : 7/10
it has a supa dupa simple design, just 2 bold colors, green and black. very simple 

it also have a medium outer ring image which is good for those who love bigger eye  dolly look  or what you name it


OMG image OMG image OMG image the green is so yummy デコメ of emoticons (* / □ \ *) cute girl and boy so pretty  so lovely http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m8oks42sfY1qid2nw_zps32642cc9.gif?t=1368979444

2. ENLARGEMENT : 10/10
for those who love to have a bigger eyeball  so it will create a dolly look, this contact lens may suit your satisfaction. it's 16,2 mm diameter feat medium outer ring make your eyes so dolly, big and round
see the enlargement when i only used the contact lens just on my one eye 

WOOAAAAA  it really makes my eyes so big in just a second.. great
love it 

3. COLOR : 8/10
i really adore the green, but as usual (again) in my eyes which is dark brown, the green is disappear http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/tumblr_m2rk0fxydz1qf290m.gif

in a low light room, this is will turn into a purfectly black lens ahahahaha  it makes my eyes seem soooooo huge 

as the pattern, this lens looks like a bit fake, so everyone will notice that you're wearing a contact lens

4. COMFORT : 9,5/10

it's been exactly a month since i opened this contact lens and used it for my daily lens, i had a very nice experience using this brand
according to my previous experience using i.fairy, as usual, because i.fairy contact lens is a bit thick, i need a lil adjustment with it.. so my eyes struggled about 20 seconds with a numbers of blinks aahhahahhaa.. then my eyes is ready to adjust with them, i no longer feel the lens inside my eyes.. Nice isn't ithttp://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/lolehhe/Rilakkuma%20gifs/tumblr_m2zu2shdjq1qid2nw_zps409441aa.gif?t=1368979394
so far i never had any problems with i.fairy, no redness, stingy, watery eyes or even itchy issues

 i used them in an AC room for about 8 hours and they still feel comfy in my eyes
NICE.. image

absolutely YYEEESSSS... i would like to try the red one haaahhaahhaaha 

it may have different result in your eyes regarding to each eye's sensitivity level
this is purely my experience using this brand, you may have different result

Bonus Picts :

seems i wear a black lens eeewwwwww~~~

big circle lens can manipulate my look, bhahaahahah  i look younger riteeeeee
#innocent #slap 

image Benefit Erase Paste #02 Medium image
image Maybelline Fit Me Concealer #Medium image
image Missha The Style Under Eye Brightener  image
image History of Whoo Seol CC Cream image
image Lioele Secret HD Powder image
image Dollywink Liquid Eyeliner #Black image
image Lioele Jewel Glitter Eyeliner #3 Champagne image
image I.Fairy Ruby Green image
image Lipsense (Cappucino - Summer Sunset - Luv It - Glossy Gloss) image

Depth ~ Dreamie


  1. AKHIRNYAAA, pajangin muka asli nyee wkwkwk. Btw isiin ye depth:


    Ntr kalo ude, tinggalin link posting ny di comment box gw ya. Thanks :3

    1. kawkakwkkaw udah beberapa post gw pajang muka asli.. wekwkkekwkew~

      uwooohhh... makaciiiiiihhh... tar bikin jawabannya dolo yeeee baru gw post ke comment box lu :*


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