Eyecandy Bulle Greyblue : ORIGINAL VS FAKE

a surprise news came from my friend a week ago. She bought an Eyecandy contact lens from another online shop (based in my country) because it's cheaper than mine. When the eyecandy came, she spotted something unusual on the cap. There's no eyecandy code on it.
after telling me his suspicion, i asked her to tell me the onlineshop she bought

a few days later, i made a purchase on the same onlineshop where my friend got her fake eyecandy. i found interesting fact......... the fake eyecandy seller only sells BULLE GREYBLUE and BULLE BLUE.... with a nonsense low price
after several asking and waiting for a couple of day, then my order came. As the first glace, i dont notice anything different from it, until i look at the fake eyecandy closer

lemme share what i see, hope i can help you 


ORIGINAL : the label is not gloss and the color printed is lighter
FAKE : it's more glossy and has darker color

can you see that the fake has more glossy label?


ORIGINAL : the expired date format is YYYY.MM.DD (separated by dot (.))
FAKE : the expired date format is YY/MMDD (separated by slash (/))


ORIGINAL : there's a code printed in the label. Every series has different code, so there will be a different code printed in the label
FAKE : no code printed in the label


ORIGINAL : the label in the cap will give you not just the information about the power/minus, but also eyecandy series' code which is exactly the same with the code printed in the label (vial)
FAKE : no code, only the power/minus


color and design is just exactly the same between the original and the fake one. But, im not gonna use the fake one, NEVER EVER..!!

ORIGINAL : the one that i sell is IDR 160.000
FAKE : it's just IDR 90.000 or IDR 120.000 with free shipping

the price is quite different, but do you want to risk the one and only eyes you have just to get the cheap price?
well think again dear

if you purchase in my place, you absolutely will get the LEFT eyecandy which is the original one
i dont have any desire to sell fake stuff

so everyone, please check the eyecandy contact lens you order, which one you get

Depth ~ Dreamie
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Path : Depth Dreamie


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