Urban Decay Naked 3 : FAKE VS ORIGINAL

NOTE : this gonna be a very long post
please prepare your potato chips

almost all the make up junkies know URBAN DECAY NAKED 3, YEESS..!! this most wanted palette was hunted in every country in this world. after the NAKED 1 and 2 success hit the world, finally Urban Decay launched the NAKED 3 which claimed to have a ROSE (pink) line color.

i was the one who always adore Urban Decay products especially NAKED palette, yet the spectacular price always failed me to have them in complete collection. Until finally one day, i had a chance to buy the NAKED 3 palette that i've been dreaming for my whole life. i was amazed when i had them in front of me. Then i know that spectacular price is comparable with the naked itself. I swear, it's so luxurious and awesome. Having that in my case making me feels so fabulous.

But, sadly, there's already FAKE NAKED 3 was selling worldwide as well, including in my country, Indonesia. The price was insanely different. The ORIGINAL NAKED 3 is $54 (officially in web www.urbandecay.com) while the fake one is just about $9-12. Quite shocking

The fake Naked sellers always make the promotion as sweet as and as tempting as they can. I often got broadcast message in my blackberry from the fake Naked sellers offering the fake product, they even write "if you can't buy the original one which is IDR 850.000, you can buy the replica which only IDR 125.000 with the same quality. so if you are hanging out with your friends, you can proudly show off your NAKED 3 in front of them"
Seriously, i was speechless read the broadcast. How can a $54 palette have the same quality with the $12 one? WHAT THE HEEEEEELLLLLLL...!!!!

to be very honest and with my full respect to others, this post is NOT meant to look down upon those who cannot afford the real ones and decide to buying the fake ones or those who sells the FAKE Naked, also, this post is NOT meant to bring your online shop's name down. Instead, this post is meant for those who are willing and able to afford the real ones but confuse by too many fake ones in onlineshops, to know which is real from fake.

first of all, i would say it's a bit difficult to spot whether your NAKED 3 is fake or not if you don't have the fake and the original one, yet, i hope my review can give you any information that you need to spot the fake NAKED 3

as i did Google before making this post, i found that many FAKE NAKED 3 had different packaging and color for the eyeshadow with the ORIGINAL one. But, i think the FAKE NAKED company already change the packaging so that look so like the ORIGINAL one. Being so curious of that, i decided to let my money flew away by buying this damn FAKE NAKED. i was shocked to look at overall packing, box and even the eye shadow colors, because it just 99,9% the same as the original Naked 3. Honestly, if me myself don't have the fake and original Naked 3, maybe i will get cheated by seller out there since they never put the real photo of Naked they sell.

okaayy,, after the long bla bla blaa.. let's start the comparison

for the first thing you need to know when you get your NAKED 3 palette,
The ORIGINAL Naked 3 palette comes with a four pack of primers in four different shades to use with your palette, while the FAKE NAKED comes with no bonus at all
so, you need to ask you seller why your NAKED 3 doesn't come with any primer

overall, the FAKE is more pale than the ORIGINAL one as you can see from the pictures below

the FAKE NAKED 3 has more blurry eye shadow bar printing down there, while the Original one has more detail printing

let's see the detail

still the same as the front side, it has more blurry pictures (especially for the shadow bars)

at a quick glance, you will not see the different, so let's look closer

The emboss of UDPP's shade

ORIGINAL : you can feel it, you can see the emboss

FAKE : it's tend to be more flat compared to the Original one

CODE in the Back Box and package
i guess, some people may not take any attention to the code written in the back

ORIGINAL : there's code
FAKE : no code

code is printed in the back of the Naked 3 box

code is printed in the back of the Naked 3 as well

DESCRIPTION on The Back of the Box

FAKE : writing tends to be more black and obvious

ORIGINAL : tends to be a bit green and not too obvious

if the other FAKE NAKED 3 (that i found in some reviews in Google) has longer box, my FAKE NAKED 3 has exactly the same size compared to the ORIGINAL one

they even have same barcode

Now let's take a look on the inside

if you don't have the original and the fake one, it's a bit difficult to spot which one is the ORIGINAL and which one is the FAKE NAKED 3 by looking on the box, yet since i got both of them, i'll show you the different

ORIGINAL : darker
FAKE : pale



the ORIGINAL packaging color is more darker compared to the FAKE one which is more pale. Besides, the ORIGINAL has elegant ripple pattern, while the FAKE one is more harsh

URBAN DECAY in the side of the body

if you have the palette in standing position with the "NAKED 3" facing you (how i supposed to explain that...)
ORIGINAL : the "URBAN DECAY" writing is facing toward you
FAKE : it's upside down


TADAAAAAAAA...!!! it's just look absolutely the same lo.. but, now let's look a bit closer

naahh.. can you see it? the ORIGINAL NAKED 3 has more darker color, while the FAKE one has a bit pale color

the one thing that still the same like any other FAKE NAKED is the name of each shade of the eyeshadow bars printing

ORIGINAL : it's in the middle of each eyeshadow

FAKE : tend to be more in the left, so the palette look a bit messy


ORIGINAL : It comes with a double ended synthetic make up brush, in gold casing with gold writing. The bristles of the brush is darker compared to the FAKE one. it looks more classy for me

FAKE : it comes with a double ended synthetic make up brush in gold casing but the "URBAN DECAY NAKED" is printed in black. The bristle is a bit bigger.

The ORIGINAL NAKED 3's brush is eyeshadow brush on both head, but the FAKE NAKED 3's brush is eyeshadow and blending brush.


let's see closer

ORIGINAL : color and shimmer is amazing
FAKE : color is pop up, but the shimmer is not. though the color has shimmer, but when it's applied the shimmer doesn't show up

after all, i think i dont need to explain more about the quality and how amazing is the ORIGINAL NAKED 3. It has a supppeeerrrr beautiful color and shimmer that shows up beautifully in a single swap even without an eye primer

i can say the FAKE NAKED 3 eyeshadows were pretty good, but with NOT GENUINE products you have no idea what's actually in them. it can be something cheap or even harmful ingredients. and I will never put something that can harm myself

finally, reading my super long bla bla bla..... then now

HOW TO SPOT FAKE NAKED 3 (in my conclusion) :
1. tend to have a blurry picture on the box
2. every single shade printed in the packaging is left alignment
3. shimmer is not to show up
4. if the applicator is a blending and eyeshadow brush and it's printed in black, then your NAKED 3 is absolutely FAKE

never buy the NAKED PALETTE from seller who sells it with nonsense price. i highly suggest you to buy it from your trusted seller. for the sake, DO NOT EVER TRICKED BY THE CHEAP PRICE!!! you deserve to have a very great stuff dear, not a FAKE one that can harm you


I hope this little guide can help you guys in spotting those pesky fakes that are circulating across marketplace websites helps stop the sale of these terrible copies. You deserve to have an incredible and freaky amazing palette which worth every single penny that you spent

  if you dont have the budget to buy the ORIGINAL NAKED 3 palette, you can choose from other brands which have shade just as same as the NAKED 3 palette. Nowadays, many brands compete to make a nude palette which looks like NAKED. Do not take risk just to buy something which highly over your budget
Why you have to buy something that you cant use? just to show off? what so amazing about show off using a fake product?

Depth ~ Dreamie
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 Twitter : @depth_dreamie
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 Line : @depth_dreamie
Path : Depth Dreamie


  1. awesome review kak! now i can laugh to myself who always envy at my friend naked 3 (they post the pict of it everywhere) but unfortunately now i know they bought the fake one hehehehe


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