Circle Lens Addicted?

YYEEESSSS..!!im a circle lens addicted
starting with my friend's said about trying to use a contact lens to make a lil bit differences into my daily look,,
now..i cant go out without wearing any contact lens..aaaahhahahaha
before i knew about contact lens, i used to dislike it because what generally people said about it was some negative things
such as : its dangerous because it's just the same as you put a strange things inside ur eyes..and it means DANGEROUS
it can make u blind *scary*
it not comfortable enough to use all day long,,because it causes dryness, redness, itchy,etc
soooo...after thinking several times,,i take a final decision,,i'll start to use contact lens..
aahaahhaahahhaa...i dont care about what people said..i like to try out some new things
and after a few days wearing it,, im addicted to it (thanks' to my friends..LOL..*kiss)
the fact is : it's not as dangerous as what people said,,it's fun,,it can change my look, it's comfortable and i totally love use contact lens..aaahahaha

why i said it's not dangerous?
contact lens is created to help your vision, right?so why it can be dangerous?
it will be dangerous if u're careless such as not rinse it before use, not change the solution, wear it while you're sleeping, wear it near the flame, etc's gonna be very dangerous
but if u know how to use and take care it will be a very usefull things in yourlife

longtime ago,,i guess only a transparant contact lens is created in this colour..just transparant~
but nowdays u can find almost all colours,,starts from human colour until inhuman colour..huaahahahahaa
contact lens now is not only a help for your vision anymore,,it has become a style juz like make up *contact lens users will absolutely agree with me..wkwkakwkwkwakwa*
i divide the colour into two categories (IMO)
human colour an in human colour
why i named it human an d inhuman colour?awhahwhahwhwa..
human colour,, grey, brown, black, blue, green,,i think that some people might have these eye colours..
for asia people..mostly have a black or dark brown or light brown eye,,for western blue, grey and green
in human colour such as pink, violet, red, yellow, orange,white...i never found people with these real eye colours..aakkakakaakka
that's why i said it INHUMAN
but if it is for festival such as halloween or cosplay project,,okay laa~

diferrent with couple years ago,,i think nowadays contact lens are more variaties..from it's colour, design, water content and diameter
Sometimes,,people looking for the design instead of colour and diameter
but others more interesting in diameter and colour..aahahaha
some asian wants to have a big eye ball..16mm is a suitable diameter for you who have a small eye
bu for your note,,dont use a very huge diameter if you have a small eyes..because instead of being beautiful,,people will think it kinda scary
me?in choosing a contact lens,,i prefer the diameter first,,then the design and the last thing,,the colour

how i choose a contact lens?
if you have a sensitive eyes like mine, please,,please,,please consult it with your doctor
but if you dont,,u can follow my style..aaakakakak *throw me with a desk*
i like to try any brands because im just a plano user..hhhohoohoh..
by trying any brands,,u can feel the comfort of each can feel the different between this brand and that brand..
big diameter not always make ur style better,,
know your eyes..which diameter is the most suitable for you
according to my experience,,big diameter makes ur eyes quickly tired
i use to use 16mm lens,,16mm still torelable lah~ for me
but when i use 17,8mm's not i guess 17,8mm is too big for me
17,2mm still ok la~
but the most suitable for me is gives me a dolly look,,barbie look or whatsoever you call it
below 16mm,,yes it makes my eyes bigger,,but not so big enough as i want,,so 16mm is my favorite diameter (/*o*)/'s on your own..i like a lil bit inhuman colour lens..huaahahahahaha..but mostly i like noticable grey or blue,,violet,,green,,soft pink
i dont like bright pink, or red or yellow,,,gimme a strange loookkkk errrggghhhh~ ~_~"

People like a big diameter lens,,they say they cute use it..
as far as it fits with your look,,okay..but when it goes wrong,,i dont think it's cute anymore
freaky, scary, weiiirrrrdddddd
imagine you are walking around the town using a huge black lens..u want a look at a doll or a barbie..but people look at you as a freak..

so..juz know the perfect diameter for your eye..
and be confidence in wearing it..
it will be strange at the first glance when you look in the mirror,,but day by day you'll love it

thank's for reading

Depth ~ Dreamie


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