Hi,,Happy Easter day to anyone celebrates it

today i wanna make a review on my new opened lens

Manufacture : dueba - korea
Water Content : 38%
Diameter : 15mm
Colour available : grey, brown, blue, green, violet, pink
Power : 0 - 1000

ohh..i'll give u the model using this lens

My first reaction when i see those picture
screaming to my monitor
i guess this is the lens i've been looking for

yeeessss..!!i wanna have eye juz like western people's have T~T
a noticable grey eyes!
i guess this lens can help me to have it..huohohoohohoho

soooo..this is my lens
the bottle a lil bit different with the old one
it's more minimalize..wkawkkkwkwa
but the label is not as cute the old one T~T

and here the snapshot of the lens

it's almost like a transparant lens O~O
at the first time i got the package..i was really surprise!
c0z i cant find the lens..!!though it still has a seal on it..
theeeennnn..after i look in the bottle carefully,,woaaaa...the lens is still there..wkwkwkawka..
i guess because of it's colour n design..makes it seems disappear under the light..wkakwkakw~

it's time to make a review \(♥`w`♥)/

closer look in my eye

Lens :
i think this new series a bit different with the old series
it's pretty thin i guess

Design (9/10)
this is my first 1tones lens,,so im a bit weird using this lens at the first time when i looked into my mirror~
but what i like about this lens is,,the design not just pure grey like DUEBA BUBBLE (other brands who have exactly the same design as DUEBA BUBBLE is EOS BUBBLE n PRINCESS MINT lens),,it's design juz like a crumple paper or ummm..stone i guess..

Colour (10/10)
i bet this lens is what im looking for as far..wkakwkakw
i wanna have a pair of eyes like the western people
this lens help me to have it..huohohohohoho..!!
it makes my black part shrink became a half part..wkakwkakwk..
the rest is covered by the lens,,it's become an awesome pretty fantastic GREY
under the sunlight/outdoor it's purfectly georgous..!!just as the model use it in the picture..!!
shinny but still natural look,,just as ur real eyes..!!
im totally love it (~,><)~♥

Enlargemet (7/10)
not to satisfied with that..because i guess it not like a 15mm lens,,it just like a 14 mm lens
why?because the grey colour is cover up my black eye, and the rest (the part which not cover my black eye) is simply blend purfectly with my white eye from distance u will only notice my grey eyes
ummm..i guess better like that..huahahhaha..because it will be scary if u have a big grey eyes..wkakwkakwkwka

Comfort (9/10)
i used to use many dueba lens,,but this lens' comfort is different
more comfortable (i dunno whether it's because the lens itself or because my new solution..wkawkkawkakw)
first time use, 10 hours without any drops, any redness, any itchy, or any ache in my eyes
fantastic baby..!! xDD

overall (9/10)
truly fall in love with the colour and effect..!!

repurchase?the same colour?
ABSOLUTELY YES..!!kwakwkkaw~
but i wanna try the other colour as well >♥<

thank's for passing by
Depth ~ Dreamie


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