Super Barbie Hybrid Brown

i guess i bought this lens long long time ago..aahahahaha..and i just open it today *wew*
i fell in love with the unique
umm..if u know about dueba jewel or i.fairy jewel..
yeah!the lens is juz like that,,but hybrid is a 3tones lens..
this is a best seller lens,,why?because everytime i wanna deal,,it always gone T~T
the last time i wanna tried the blue or grey,,but there's no more left of them
so when my supplier said that there was brown only left..i took it..wakawkkakwkw...

maybe SUPER BARBIE still sounds new in your ears,,yes..maybe it still new in Indonesia,,but outside,,it's one of the popular brand..hhohohoo

so let me give u some photos the model wearing hybrid brown

 see how the light goes so bright?
it's a flash
 The lens look so noticeable with flash,,an look so damn terrible without any flash --"

  closer look (model with flash)


soooo my main reason choosing this lens is because of its' outer ring
i like to use a very minimal outer ring (or u can say it outer line or whatsoever)..the more minimal the more i like it
better if it doesnt have any outer rings..wakwkkwakwaawk
i dont know why people love a thick outer ring instead of minimal outer ring
yeesss,,the thicker outer ring is good for enlarging effect,,make a marble eye effect
but doesnt it seems fake..??
but what ever,,i dont want to influence you with my thought
awwkakawkwakwa xDD
this is my purely opinion,,you can disagree with me~

when i see the hybrid design,,im totally fall in love with it
it almost doesnt have an outer ring (/♥o♥)/
ummm..maybe there is,,but it seems invisible because of the design itself
mostly, the outer ring is a perfect circle black round...buuutttt in hybrid it just like a hundreds short line scratch

and,,here is my review~

cute label ♥~ 

 the lens on the bottle
the colour itself not so vibrate,,thin T^T

 after opening the seal,,taking the picture from the mouth of the bottle

and here is the lens on my eyes

left : wearing the lens
right : not wearing the lens
(bare face,,no make up on)

can you see the enlargement..??i guess not so enlarge my eyes
but it seems so natural rite?
yuppy~ that's why i like a minimal outer ring..hohohoho ♥~

 with the help of the sun light
 indoor with a lil sun light
indoor with flash
closer look in my eyes adorable ♥o♥


Lens :
it's pretty thin,,but not as thin as barbie eye..
a very lil bit thicker which is good,,so it's not easily fold in ur finger~

Design (10/10)
looooovvveeeeeeee it..totally love it
this is the most lovely 3tones lens i ever have..aahahahhaa..
my first nice looking 3tones design
change ur look into a sweet eyes..aahhahaha..why i call sweet?bc0z when i use it,,it look so adorable..huaaahaahahahah..
as i say,,the almost gone outer ring make it as your real eyes

Colour (8/10)
this is my first BROWN lens..usually im not too interesting choose a brown lens..because it will look usual..but whatever~
a lil bit disappointed because it's not go as bright as i want *i already know,,but im still hope it's goes brighter*
as a 3tones lens, there's a 3 main colours there,,soft brown as the outer ring
umm..hazel i bet..not the middle colour and orange as the inner colour
yes it's orange..not yellow
as you know that most 3tones lens deals with yellow colours in it (as my natural 3tones, princess miumiu, geo golden blue, vivian eye green)..but this lens have orange colour..wakwkakwkkakwka..xDD
in low light room..of course it will be a black lens..and make ur eye have a bigger black area
in outdoor,, shiny aaakakakakaka...
natural colour,,just as your real eyeball colour

Enlargement (5/10)
it's a 15,8mm lens,,but it seems like just a 14,5mm --"
not making a dolly look,,just make ur eyes shinny and brown

Comfort (8/10)
55% water content,,pretty comfy in the first 6hours use..but after that,,it feels a lil bit itchy (maybe because i dont clean it properly)
i'll try to clean it more in 2nd time use,,later~
but so far,,i dont find any problems using this brand

Overall (9/10)
if u like a minimal outer ring like me,,natural looking with no huge enlargement..this lens is purfect..hohohooh~
comfy enough in my sensitive eyes

ummm..i still have the green one in my deposit box *plaaaakkk*
maybe i'll purcase from luxury babe which have exactly the same design,,but i'll try another colour
blue or violet..or both..aaahahahaha

Thanks' for stopping by



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