Learning Indonesian part 1

Anyone..interested in learning Indonesia or are you going to Indonesia for a trip or anything else?
but u still find difficulties in the language?

Hope this post can help u to have more understanding.. :)

 - First,,let's learn about the alphabet
Learning the Indonesian alphabet is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. Without it, you will not be able to say words properly even if you know how to write those words. The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Indonesian language.
Below is a table showing the Indonesian alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word.

Indonesian AlphabetEnglish SoundPronunciation Example
a[a]as in father
b[b]as in bay
c[ʨ]ch as in chay
d[d]as in day
e[ɛ]as in elephant
f[f]as in fine
g[ɡ]as in gold
h[h]as in house
i[i]'ee' as in meat
j[ʥ]as in job
k[k]as in kitchen
l[l]as in life
m[m]as in man
n[n]as in nice
o[o]as in olive
p[p]as in pool
q[k]as in kiss
r[r]as in rice
s[s]as in smile
t[t]as in time
u[u]'oo' as in mood
v[f]f as in free
w[w]as in wind
x[ks]as in wax
y[j]as in year
z[z]as in Zulu

ngengas in hanging
nynyeas in mañana
khkhaas in th German bach
sysyaas in shield
nngnngas in bingo

maybe for newbie,, you will find this difficult
just keep practicing with those words ^^

- the second important thing is NUMBER
Indonesian cardinal number convey the "how many" they're also known as "counting numbers," because they show quantity.

Grammar Tips
In Indonesian numbers from 1 to 20 are unique and therefore need to be memorized individually. Numbers from 21 and upwards are formed by using the following pattern: for example 21 can be formed by using 20 + 1 while connecting them. 22 = dua puluh dua. 45 can be formed by using 40 + dan + 5 while connecting them: 45 = empat puluh lima.

1 = Satu                                11 = Sebelas                       100 = Seratus
·         2 = Dua                                 12 = Dua belas                   105 = Seratus lima
·         3 = Tiga                                 13 = Tiga belas                  235 = Dua ratus tiga lima
·         4 = Empat                            14 = Empat belas              1000 = Seribu
·         5 = Lima                               20 = Dua puluh                  1657 = Seribu enam ratus lima puluh tujuh
·         6 = Enam                              21 = Dua puluh satu       10000 = Sepuluh ribu
·         7 = Tujuh                             22 = Dua puluh dua         13500 = Tiga belas ribu lima ratus
·         8 = Delapan/ Lapan         30 = Tiga puluh                 100000 = Seratus ribu
·         9 = Sembilan                      40 = Empat puluh             1000000 = Satu juta
·         10=Sepuluh                        50 = Lima puluh                1000000000 = Satu miliar
Selamat pagi – Good morning
Selamat siang- Good afternoon
Selamat malam- Good evening
Selamat tidur- Good night (before sleeping)

How are you - apa kabar?
I'm fine - saya baik-baik saja
Goodbye - Selamat Tinggal
See You - Sampai Jumpa
Thank You - Terima Kasih
You're welcome - sama-sama / terima kasih kembali
what is this? - apa ini?
What is that? - apa itu?
What - apa
Who - siapa
How - bagaimana
Where - mana (dimana/kemana)
Why - kenapa
How Many - berapa banyak
I - saya
You - kamu / anda / beliau
He, She - dia
They - mereka
We - kami, kita

i think that's enough for this post
have you feel dizzy already?aahaaahah

hope it's usefull ^^

anyone who wants to learn,,can simply send me an email to


  1. Indonesian language is a really easy language to learn. Unlike Japanese or Spanish, Indonesian has almost the same alphabet as English, it makes it easier for English speakers to learn it quickly.


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