Since last night the wind blew so energetic
Kinda scary..but better laaa~ than hot everytime..wkakwkkawk /XD
and it's still blowing so hard when i make this post~

This time i wanna make a review from a new lens i've never tried before
for those who live in Indonesia..u can get it easily in any OPTIK,,but if you too lazy to go out,,u can purchase it online
hohohooo~ :))

Diameter : 14,2mm
Water Content : 55%
B.C : 8.6
Life Span : 6 months

this is the picture of the package

this is the picture of the lens itself~

i found that the design juz the same as DUEBA JEWEL or I.FAIRY JEWEL
why i choose this one?
easily to find in my local store
and....ummmm...i guess because it's design just as dueba or i.fairy...besides, i also wanna try another brand not just i.fairy, dueba. or anything i ever tried before..hohohooho :x

i pretty like the package..since aaaaaaalllllll of my lens have vials package..ahahahha
i found this package quite interesting.. (ummmm i guess most the 6months disposable lens have this package :-? )
this package make you easier to open the seal without worrying your fingers will be hurt or even bleeding
nice, isn't it? :))

a lil bit pricey for a 6month lens
IDR 100.000/pair
so 1year u spend IDR 200.000...X_x
i can get dueba or i.fairy or other brand T^T's written that MADE IN JAPAN

here's some pictures of me wearing the lens

 left : wear OMEGA ICON GREY
right : no lens

 left : wear OMEGA ICON GREY
right : no lens
indoor near the window


indoor with flash

Here we go for the review

Lens :
Pretty thin..
most of my friends said that some brands have a thick lens which is sooooo uncomfortable to use and it hurts their eyes a lot
but this OMEGA ICON,,i can say it's pretty thin

Design (8/10)
pretty like the design..also i like the minimal outer ring hohohohoo
kinda natural look
it's not scary or make my look as a reptile
/XD wkwakoawowaokwakoawowaokow  /XD

Color (9/10)
at the first,,i dont think that it won't be so noticeable..but after i wear,,it comes up
and it's obviously grey woaakakakakakak
u can clearly see the color
it goes shinny in outdoor..but it's still natural look
such i have a really noticeable grey eyes
and as i's not make my look such a reptile \:D/

Enlargement (2/10)
14.2mm...what can i expect..??
it's just make my eyes bigger a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll from my original size~
actually, dont really like the enlargement...but it's ok laaa~ :D

Comfort (8/10) eyes suffer for about 1-2 minutes when use this lens
i dunno why~ :'(
 but after that,,it goes better and better
the thin lens make it wearable and quite comfy
buuuttt,,,55% for it's water content make it dry so quickly
i dunno..i feel my eyes so cold and dry after wearing a few hours in home..
YEESSSS..!!i just stay at home..not going anywhere...
but it cause no redness
as i know lens with 6 months for it's life span,,have pretty high water content
and 55% is a general water content for a 6month lens~

Overall (8/10)
if u need a ready-to-wear lens,,a natural look,,noticeable color,,and small diameter lens
i guess u can try this brand

more pictures

 closer look


side view

thank's for passing by

Depth ~ Dreamie

dont forget to leave ur like



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